Apple Enterprise - NeXTanswers Support Archive
* nichildren
* usage: nichildren domain directory
* compile with: cc -o nichildren nichildren.c
* This program lists the id and instance number of each of the
* child directories of a given directory. For each child, it
* looks up the parent and prints its id and instance too.
* Sample output:
* myhost> nichildren . /users
* id = 25 instance = 4 id = 24 instance = 9
* id = 27 instance = 2 id = 24 instance = 9
* id = 29 instance = 2 id = 24 instance = 9
* id = 31 instance = 2 id = 24 instance = 9
* id = 33 instance = 2 id = 24 instance = 9
* id = 35 instance = 2 id = 24 instance = 9
* id = 37 instance = 2 id = 24 instance = 9
* id = 39 instance = 4 id = 24 instance = 9
* Author: Marc Majka
* You may freely copy, distribute and reuse the code in this example.
* NeXT disclaims any warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, as to
* its fitness for any particular use.
#import <ansi/stdio.h>
#import <bsd/errno.h>
#import <netinfo/ni.h>
main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int in;
ni_idlist ilist;
void *dom;
ni_id dir, childdir, parentdir;
ni_status ret;
ni_index parentid;
/* check usage */
if (argc < 3) {
fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s domain directory\n", argv[0]);
/* argv[1] should be a domain name */
ret = ni_open(NULL, argv[1], &dom);
if (ret != NI_OK) {
fprintf(stderr, "ni_open: %s\n", ni_error(ret));
/* argv[2] should be a directory specification */
ret = ni_pathsearch(dom, &dir, argv[2]);
if (ret != NI_OK) {
fprintf(stderr, "ni_pathsearch: %s\n", ni_error(ret));
/* find subdirectories */
ret = ni_children(dom, &dir, &ilist);
if (ret != NI_OK) {
fprintf(stderr, "ni_children: %s\n", ni_error(ret));
/* for each entry */
for (in = 0; in < ilist.ni_idlist_len; in++) {
childdir.nii_object = ilist.ni_idlist_val[in];
/* fetch the instance number for this directory */
ret = ni_self(dom, &childdir);
if (ret != NI_OK) {
fprintf(stderr, "ni_self: %s\n", ni_error(ret));
/* print the directory ID and instance number */
printf("id = %ld instance = %ld\t",
childdir.nii_object, childdir.nii_instance);
/* now back up and find the child's parent */
ret = ni_parent(dom, &childdir, &parentid);
if (ret != NI_OK) {
fprintf(stderr, "ni_parent: %s\n", ni_error(ret));
/* fetch the instance number for the parent */
parentdir.nii_object = parentid;
ret = ni_self(dom, &parentdir);
if (ret != NI_OK) {
fprintf(stderr, "ni_self: %s\n", ni_error(ret));
/* print the parent's id and instance next to the child */
printf("id = %ld instance = %ld\n",
parentdir.nii_object, parentdir.nii_instance);
/* clean up */