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EOF Oracle Adaptor Patch (v 278.1)
Entry Number:
Creation Date: October 25 1996
Last Updated:
Date October 25, 1996
Procedure Valid for Release: EOF 2.0

EOF, OPENSTEP, WebObjects, Enterprise Objects, patch


This patch is version number 278.1. The Oracle Adaptor shipped with the EOF 2.0 release was version 278. You can find the version of the Oracle adaptor under the big red Oracle logo of the Oracle Login panel.

Note: This patch is only for use with EOF 2.0 installed on Windows NT as part of OPENSTEP or WebObjects.

The following files make up the EOF Oracle Adaptor Patch:

Installing the Oracle Adaptor Patch

Note: You must go to to get the uncompressed version of the patch.

In order to install this patch, you will need to use gzip and gnutar to expand the attachment. You'll end up with a supplemental NextLibrary directory, which you can then copy into your existing NextLibrary directory. You need to log in as Administrator to install this patch.

Caution: The patch will replace \NextLibrary\Executables\OracleEOAdaptor.dll and the entire \NextLibrary\Frameworks\OracleEOAdaptor.framework directory, so you should take care to create a back up these items before installing over the top of them.

Assuming you have 2485_OracleAdaptorPatch_NT_tar.gz on c:/tmp and are using the Bourne Shell provided by NeXT, here are the commands to install the patch:
$ mv NextLibrary/Executables/OracleEOAdaptor.dll NextLibrary/Executables/OracleEOAdaptor.dll.bak
$ mv NextLibrary/Frameworks/OracleEOAdaptor.framework NextLibrary/Frameworks/OracleEOAdaptor.framework.bak
$ gzip -d -c c:/tmp/2485_OracleAdaptorPatch_NT_tar.gz | gnutar -xvf -

EOF Oracle Adaptor Patch Release Notes

Problems Fixed in This Patch Update

The following problems have been fixed in this update:

Oracle EOAdaptor

References: 74355

Problems: The Oracle adaptor won't work with the Oracle 7.3 client libraries

Fix: This adaptor is actually linked against the OCIW32.LIB rather than the ORA72.LIB or the ORA73.LIB. Because the OCIW32.DLL doesn't change it's name each release, this means this adaptor should work against Oracle 7.2 and 7.3.

References: 74187

Problems: Every NSNumber or NSDecimalNumber that is created as a value fetched from the database is leaked.

Fix: The implementation of -[OracleNumberColumn fetchFromIndex:withZone:] no longer contains the extra retain call.

See Also:


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