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M68000 Addressing Modes and Assembler Instructions

This chapter contains information specific to the Motorola M68000 processor architecture, including the MC68040, MC68030 processors, and the MC68882 floating point coprocessor.  The first section, "M68000 Registers and Addressing Modes," lists the registers available and describes the addressing modes used by assembler instructions.  The second section, "M68000 Assembler Instructions," lists each assembler instruction with NeXT and Motorola syntax.

M68000 Registers and Addressing Modes

This section describes the conventions used to specify instruction mnemonics and addressing modes.  The instructions themselves are detailed in the next section, "M68000 Assembler Instructions."

Instruction Mnemonics

The instruction mnemonics that the assembler uses are based on the mnemonics described in the relevant Motorola processor manuals.  However, the NeXT assembler uses the MIT assembler syntax, which deviates from the standard Motorola syntax in several areas.  Points to be aware of include the following:

Instead of using a qualifier of .b, .w, or .l to indicate byte, word, or long as in the Motorola assembler, as uses a suffix on the normal instruction mnemonic, thereby creating a separate mnemonic to indicate which length operand was intended.  For example, there are three mnemonics for the Or instruction:  orb, orw, and orl.
Instruction mnemonics for instructions with unusual opcodes may have additional suffixes.  Thus in addition to the normal Add variations, there also exist addqb, addqw, and addql, for the Add Quick instruction.
Branch instructions are always long for non-local labels on the NeXT M68000 machines.  This allows the link editor to do procedure ordering (see the description of the -sectorder option in the ld(1) man page, and the "Link Optimization" paper in the directory /NextLibrary/Documentation/NextDev/Concepts/Performance).


Certain instructions accept a variety of special registers.  The available registers are listed in this section.

Note:  The assembler determines that an identifier is the name of a register based solely on its name, and not the context in which the identifier is used.  Therefore, all register names are reserved, including those less commonly known register names for the control registers.  In order to avoid problems, be careful not to pick a label name that's also the name of a register.

M68000 CPU Registers

a0a7 address registers (a7 is reserved for the stack pointer)
sp stack pointer (a7)
d0d7 data registers
pc program counter
zpc hack for program space, but 0 addressing (GAS)
cc or ccr condition code register
sr status register
fp0fp7 floating point registers
fpi or fpir floating point instruction register
fpc or fpcr floating point control register
fps or fpsr floating point status register

M68000 Control Registers

sfc source function control code register
dfc destination function code register
usp user stack pointer
vbr vector base register
cacr cache control register
msp master stack pointer
isp interrupt stack pointer

68040-Specific Control Registers

tc MMU translation control register
itt0 instruction transparent translation register 0
itt1 instruction transparent translation register 1
dtt0 data transparent translation register 0
dtt1 data transparent translation register 1
mmusr or psr MMU status register
urp user root pointer
srp supervisor root pointer
ic instruction cache
dc data cache
bc both instruction and data cache

68030-Specific Control Registers

srp supervisor root pointer
tc translation control register
crp CPU root pointer
caar cache address register
mmusr or psr MMU status register
tt0 transparent translation register 0
tt1 transparent translation register 1

Operands and Addressing Modes

Table 5-1 in this section describes the addressing modes that the assembler recognizes.  The bulleted information below is intended to explain the notation used in the figure and give you the information you need in order to understand the contents of the figure.

Mode Notation Example
Register an, dn, sp, pc, cc, sr, or usp movw a3,d2
Register Indirect an@ movw a3@,d2
Register List ri/rj (that is., ri and rj) movem a0/a1/a2/a3,a6@-
ri-rj (ri through rj) movem d0-d7,a6@-
Floating-Point Register fpi fmoves fp1,a3@(24)
Postincrement an@+ movw a3@+,d2
Predecrement an@ movw a3@,d2
Displacement an@(d) movw a3@(24),d2
Word Index an@(d,ri:w) movw a3@(16, d2:w),d3
Long Index an@(d,ri:l) movw a3@(16, d2:l),d3
Absolute Short xxx:w movw 14:w,d2
Absolute Long xxx:l movw 14:l,d2
PC Displacement pc@(d) movw pc@(20),d3
PC Word Index pc@(d,ri:w) movw pc@(14, d2:w),d3
PC Long Index pc@(d,ri:l) movw pc@(14, d2:l),d3
PC-Memory Indirect pc@(d':L,ri:L:s)@(d:L) movl pc@(2:w,d4:w:4)@(14:l),d3
PC-Memory Indirect pc@(d:L)@(d':L,ri:L:s) movl pc@(d:l)@(3:w,d2:l:4),d3
Memory Indirect an@(d':L,ri:L:s)@(d:L) movl a1@(d:L,d2:1:4)@(14:w)
Memory Indirect an@(d:L)@(d':L,ri:L:s) movl a2@(2:w)@(14:w,d4:w:2)
Normal identifier movw var,d3
Immediate #xxx movw #27+3,d3

Table 5-1:  Addressing Modes

Reading the Table

The following notation is used in the table:

an An address register
dn A data register
ri An address register or a data register
fi A floating-point register
d A displacement, which is a constant expression.  A length specifier may be appended to the displacement.  Any forward or external references require the length specifier to be :l.  All other references permit either :l or :w or nulls.
L The index register's length.  This may be either l (long),  w (word),  or null.  If the only value permitted by a particular addressing mode or category is l or w, then L will be replaced by the appropriate value in the table notation.
s A scale factor that may be used to multiply the index register's length.  The scale factor may have a value of 1, 2, 4, or 8.

Colons precede items that may be optional.  For example:


In this example, you may not specify :s unless you have specified :L, which you may not specify unless you have specified ri. The items in the list must appear in the order shown.

xxx refers to a constant expression.

In each addressing mode, up to four user-specified values are used to generate the final operand address:

base register
base displacement
index register
outer displacement

All four user-specified values are optional.  Both base and outer displacements may be null, word, or long.  When a displacement is null or when an element is suppressed, its value is taken as zero in the effective address calculation.

In the table where both d and d' are specified, d corresponds to an outer displacement and d' corresponds to a base displacement.

To suppress displacements, write them as "0" with no length qualifier.  For example, the first expression shown here has a null base displacement and a null outer displacement, while the second has long displacements.:


To suppress the base register for modes that use address registers, omit the address register:


For modes that use the program counter, use the pseudo register zpc:


Note:  The assembler will never generate the addressing modes "A Register Indirect with Index" or "Program Counter Indirect with Index" when the index register is suppressed and the base displacement is word-sized.  Instead, it will use "Address Register with Displacement" or "Program Counter with Displacement."

In the case of "Memory Indirect" addressing, an address register (an) is used as a base register, and its value can be adjusted by an optional base displacement (d').  An index register (ri) specifies an index operand (ri:L:s) and finally, an outer displacement (d) can be added to the address operand, yielding the effective address.

"Program Counter Memory-Indirect" mode is exactly the same.  The only difference is that the program counter is used as the base register.

Normal mode assembles as absolute long.

The Motorola manuals present different mnemonics (and in fact different forms of the actual machine instructions) for instructions that use the literal effective address as data instead of using the contents of the effective address.  For instance, they use the mnemonic adda for Add Address.  The NeXT assembler doesn't make these distinctions because it can determine the type of opcode required, from the form of the operand.  Thus, an instruction of the form:

avenue: .word 0
addl  #avenue,a0

assembles to the Add Address instruction because the assembler can determine that a0 is an address register.  Similarly,

var: = 40000
addl  #var,d0

assembles to the Add Immediate instruction because the assembler can determine that var is a constant.  Because of this determination of operand forms, some of the mnemonics listed in the Motorola manuals are missing from the set of mnemonics that the assembler recognizes.

Certain classes of instructions accept only subsets of the addressing modes above.  For example, the Add instruction doesn't accept a PC-relative address as a destination, and register lists may only be used with the movem and fmovem instructions. The assembler tries to check all these restrictions and generates the Illegal Operand error code for instructions that don't satisfy the address mode restrictions.

Currently the assembler doesn't accept immediate operands for floating-point instructions using the packed decimal format (this is because the assembler can't determine how to convert decimal floating-point format into packed decimal format).

The following tables show the differences between the NeXT and Motorola addressing mode syntax, and compares these to the equivalent format that would be used in the C programming language.

C Equivalent NeXT Syntax Motorola Syntax Mode Register
Dn Dn Dn 000 reg. number:Dn
An An An 001 reg. number:An
*(An) An@ (An) 010 reg. number:An
*(An++) An@+ (An)+ 011 reg. number:An
*( An) An@ (An) 100 reg. number:An
*(An+d16) An@(d16) (d16,An) 101 reg. number:An
*(An+d8+Xn) An@(d8,Xn) (d8,An,Xn) 110 reg. number:An
*(An+bd+Xn) An@(bd,Xn) (bd,An,Xn) 110 reg. number:An
*(*(An+bd)+od+Xn) An@(bd)@(od,Xn) ([bd,An],Xn,od) 110 reg. number:An
*(*(An+bd+Xn)+od) An@(bd,Xn)@(od) ([bd,An,Xn],od) 110 reg. number:An
*(xxx) xxx:w (xxx).W 111 000
*(xxx) xxx:l (xxx).L 111 001
data #data #<data> 111 100
-- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- -- --
*(pc+d16) pc@(d16) (d16,pc) 111 010
*(pc+d8+Xn) pc@(d8,Xn) (d8,pc,Xn) 111 011
*(pc+bd+Xn) pc@(bd,Xn) (bd,pc,Xn) 111 011
*(*(pc+bd)+od+Xn) pc@(bd)@(od,Xn) ([bd,pc],Xn,od) 111 011
*(*(pc+bd+Xn)+od) pc@(bd,Xn)@(od) ([bd,pc,Xn],od) 111 011

Table 5-2:  Addressing Mode Syntactic Comparison

Addressing Categories

The 68030 and 68040 processors group the effective address modes into categories, derived from the manner in which they are used to address operands (note the distinction between address modes and address categories).

There are 18 addressing modes in the 68030 and 68040, and each addressing mode belongs to one or more of four addressing categories.  The addressing categories are described here, followed by a table summarizing the grouping of the addressing modes into categories.  Note that register lists can be used only by the movem and fmovem instructions.

Category Meaning
Data means that the effective address mode is used to refer to data operands such as a d register or immediate data
Memory means that the effective address mode can refer to memory operands.  Examples include all the a-register indirect addressing modes and all the absolute addressing modes.
Alterable means that the effective address mode refers to operands that are writeable (alterable).  This category takes in every addressing mode except the PC-relative addressing modes and the immediate address mode.
Control means that the effective address mode refers to memory operands with no explicit size specification.

Some addressing categories can be intersected to make more restrictive ones.  For example, the Motorola manual mentions the "Data Alterable Addressing Mode" to mean that the particular instruction can only use those modes which provide data addressing and are alterable as well.

Addressing Mode Assembler Syntax Data Memory Control Alterable
Register Direct an, dn, sp, pc, cc, sr, usp
A-Register Indirect an@
A-Register Indirect an@(d:L)
with Displacement
A-Register Indirect an@(d:L,ri:w:s)
with Word Index
A-Register Indirect an@(d:L,ri:l:s)
with Long Index
A-Register Indirect an@+
with Post Increment
A-Register Indirect an@
with Pre Decrement
A-Register Indirect an@(d)
with Displacement
A-Register Indirect an@(d,ri:w)
with Word Index
A-Register Indirect an@(d,ri:l)
with Long Index
Memory-Indirect an@(d:L)@(d':L,ri:L:s)
Memory-Indirect an@(d':L,ri:L:s)@(d:L)
Absolute Short xxx:w
Absolute Long xxx:l
PC-Relative pc@(d)
PC-Indirect pc@(d:L)
with Displacement
PC-Relative pc@(d,ri:w)
with Word Index
PC-Indirect pc@(d:L,ri:w:s)
with Word Index
PC-Relative pc@(d,ri:l)
with Long Index
PC-Indirect pc@(d:L,ri:l:s)
with Long Index
PC-Memory Indirect pc@(d:L)@(d':L,ri:L:s)
PC-Memory Indirect pc@(d':L,ri:L:s)@(d:L)
Immediate Data #nnn

Table 5-3:  Addressing Categories

M68000 Assembler Instructions

Note the following points about the information contained in this section:

Name is the name that appears in the upper left and right corner of a page in the Motorola manuals.
Operation Name is the name that appears at the upper center of a page in the Motorola manuals.
An asterisk (*) following the Operand description indicates an instruction whose syntax on NeXT computers is different from the standard Motorola syntax.

Integer Instructions

Name Operator Operand Operation Name
abcd abcd Dn,Dn Add Decimal with Extend
abcd An@,An@
add add{b,w,l} <ea>,Dn Add
add{b,w,l} Dn,<ea>
adda adda{w,l} <ea>,An Add Address
add{w,l} <ea>,An
addi addi{b,w,l} #data,<ea> Add Immediate
add{b,w,l} #data,<ea>
addq addq{b,w,l} #data,<ea> Add Quick
addx addx{b,w,l} Dn,Dn Add Extended
addx{b,w,l} An@,An@
and and{b,w,l} <ea>,Dn AND Logical
and{b,w,l} Dn,<ea>
andi andi{b,w,l} #data,<ea> AND Immediate
and{b,w,l} #data,<ea>
andi to ccr andi{b} #data,ccr AND Immediate
and{b} #data,ccr to Condition Codes
andi to sr andi{w} #data,sr AND Immediate
and{w} #data,sr to Status Register
asl asl{b,w,l} #data,Dn Arithmetic Shift Left
asl{b,w,l} Dn,Dn
asl{w} <ea>
asr asr{b,w,l} #data,Dn Arithmetic Shift Right
asr{b,w,l} Dn,Dn
asr{w} <ea>

bcc (and bccs) Branch Conditionally
bcc <ea> carry clear
bcs <ea> carry set
beq <ea> equal
bge <ea> greater or equal
bgt <ea> greater than
bhi <ea> high
ble <ea> less or equal
bls <ea> low or same
blt <ea> less than
bmi <ea> minus
bne <ea> not equal
bpl <ea> plus
bvc <ea> overflow clear
bvs <ea> overflow set

bchg bchg Dn,<ea> Test a Bit and Change
bchg #data,<ea>
bclr bclr Dn,<ea> Test a Bit and Clear
bclr #data,<ea>
bfchg bfchg <ea>{#data:#data} Test Bit Field and Change
bfchg <ea>{#data:Dn}
bfchg <ea>{Dn:#data}
bfchg <ea>{Dn:Dn}
bfclr bfclr <ea>{#data:#data} Test Bit Field and Clear
bfclr <ea>{#data:Dn}
bfclr <ea>{Dn:#data}
bfclr <ea>{Dn:Dn}
bfexts bfexts <ea>{#data:#data}Dn Extract Bit Field Signed
bfexts <ea>{#data:Dn}Dn
bfexts <ea>{Dn:#data}Dn
bfexts <ea>{Dn:Dn}Dn
bfextu bfextu <ea>{#data:#data}Dn Extract Bit Field Unsigned
bfextu <ea>{#data:Dn}Dn
bfextu <ea>{Dn:#data}Dn
bfextu <ea>{Dn:Dn}Dn
bfffo bfffo <ea>{#data:#data}Dn Find First One in Bit Field
bfffo <ea>{#data:Dn}Dn
bfffo <ea>{Dn:#data}Dn
bfffo <ea>{Dn:Dn}Dn
bfins bfins Dn,<ea>{#data:#data} Insert Bit Field
bfins Dn,<ea>{#data:Dn}
bfins Dn,<ea>{Dn:#data}
bfins Dn,<ea>{Dn:Dn}
bfset bfset <ea>{#data:#data} Test Bit Field and Set
bfset <ea>{#data:Dn}Dn
bfset <ea>{Dn:#data}Dn
bfset <ea>{Dn:Dn}Dn
bftst bftst <ea>{#data:#data} Test Bit Field
bftst <ea>{#data:Dn}Dn
bftst <ea>{Dn:#data}Dn
bftst <ea>{Dn:Dn}Dn
bkpt bkpt #data Breakpoint
bra bra <ea> Branch Always
bras <ea> (short form)
bset bset Dn,<ea> Test a Bit and Set
bset #data,<ea>
bsr bsr <ea> Branch to Subroutine
bsrs <ea> (short form)
btst btst Dn,<ea> Test a Bit
btst #data,<ea>
callm callm #data,<ea> CALL Module
cas cas{b,w,l} Dn,Dn,<ea> Compare and Swap with
cas2{w,l} Dn,Dn,Dn,Dn,Rn,Rn * Operand
chk chk{w,l} <ea>,Dn Check Register Against Bounds
chk2{b,w,l} <ea>,Rn
clr clr{b,w,l} <ea> Clear an Operand
cmp cmp{b,w,l} <ea>,Dn Compare
cmpa cmpa{w,l} <ea>,An Compare Address
cmp{w,l} <ea>,An
cmpi cmpi{b,w,l} #data,<ea> Compare Immediate
cmp{b,w,l} #data,<ea>
cmpm cmpm{b,w,l} An@+,An@+ Compare Memory
cmp2 cmp2{b,w,l} <ea>,Rn Compare Register Against


dbcc Test Cond., Decrement,  Branch
dbcc Dn,<ea> carry clear
dbcs Dn,<ea> carry set
dbeq Dn,<ea> equal
dbf Dn,<ea> never equal
dbge Dn,<ea> greater or equal
dbgt Dn,<ea> greater than
dbhi Dn,<ea> high
dble Dn,<ea> less or equal
dbls Dn,<ea> low or same
dblt Dn,<ea> less than
dbmi Dn,<ea> minus
dbne Dn,<ea> not equal
dbpl Dn,<ea> plus
dbra Dn,<ea> always true
dbt Dn,<ea> always true
dbvc Dn,<ea> overflow clear
dbvs Dn,<ea> overflow set

divs divs{w,l} <ea>,Dn Signed Divide
divs <ea>,Dn (same as divsw)
divsl{l} <ea>,Dn,Dn *
divu divu{w,l} <ea>,Dn Unsigned Divide
divu <ea>,Dn (same as divsw)
divul{l} <ea>,Dn,Dn *
eor eor{b,w,l} Dn,<ea> Exclusive-OR Logical
eori eori{b,w,l} #data,<ea> Exclusive-OR Immediate
eor{b,w,l} #data,<ea>
eori to ccr eori{b} #data,ccr Exclusive-OR Immediate
eor{b} #data,ccr to Condition Code
eori to sr eori{w} #data,sr Exclusive-OR Immediate
eor{w} #data,sr to Status Register
exg exg Dn,Dn Exchange Registers
exg An,An
exg Dn,An
exg An,Dn
ext ext{w,l} Dn Sign Extend
extb{l} Dn
extb.l Dn (same as extbl)
illegal illegal Take Illegal Instruction Trap

jcc (and jccs) Jump or Branch Conditionally
jhi <ea> high
jls <ea> low or same
jcc <ea> carry clear
jcs <ea> carry set
jne <ea> not equal
jeq <ea> equal
jvc <ea> overflow clear
jvs <ea> overflow set
jpl <ea> plus
jmi <ea> minus
jge <ea> greater or equal
jlt <ea> less than
jgt <ea> greater than
jle <ea> less or equal

jmp jmp <ea> Jump
jra <ea> Jump or Branch
jras <ea> Jump or Branch (short form)
jsr jsr <ea> Jump to Subroutine
jbsr <ea> Jump or Branch to Subroutine
jbsrs <ea> (short form)
lea lea <ea>,An Load Effective Address
link link{w,l} An,#data Link and Allocate
link An,#data (same as linkw)
lsl lsl{b,w,l} #data,Dn Logical Shift Left
lsl{b,w,l} Dn,Dn
lsl{w} <ea>
lsr lsr{b,w,l} #data,Dn Logical Shift Right
lsr{b,w,l} Dn,Dn
lsr{w} <ea>
move move{b,w,l} <ea>,<ea> Move Data from Source
mov{b,w,l} <ea>,<ea> to Destination
move move{w} sr,<ea> Move from the
from sr mov{w} sr,<ea> Status Register
move move{w} ccr,<ea> Move from the
from ccr mov{w} ccr,<ea> Condition Code Register
move move{w} <ea>,ccr Move to the
to ccr mov{w} <ea>,ccr Condition Code Register
move move{w} <ea>,sr Move to the
to sr mov{w} <ea>,sr Status Register
move usp move{l} An,usp Move User Stack Pointer
move{l} usp,An
movea movea{w,l} <ea>,An Move Address
move{w,l} <ea>,An (alternate form)
mova{w,l} <ea>,An (      "          "  )
mov{w,l} <ea>,An (      "          "  )
movec movec Rn,Rc Move Control Register
movec Rc,Rn
movec Rn,#data
movec #data,Rn
movc Rn,Rc (alternate form)
movc Rc,Rn (      "          "  )
movc Rn,#data (      "          "  )
movc #data,Rn (      "          "  )
movem movem{w,l} reglist,<ea> Move Multiple Registers
movem{w,l} <ea>,reglist
movm{w,l} reglist,<ea> (alternate form)
movm{w,l} <ea>,reglist (      "          "  )
movem{w,l} #data,<ea> (reglist can be immediate
movem{w,l} <ea>,#data data, as shown here)
movep movep{w,l} (d,An),Dn Move Peripheral Data
movep{w,l} Dn,(d,An)
movp{w,l} (d,An),Dn (alternate form)
movp{w,l} Dn,(d,An) (      "          "  )
moveq moveq #data,Dn Move Quick
movq #data,Dn (alternate form)
movel #data,Dn (      "          "  )
movl #data,Dn (      "          "  )
moveql #data,Dn (      "          "  )
movql #data,Dn (      "          "  )
moves moves{b,w,l} <ea>,Rn Move Address Space
moves{b,w,l} Rn,<ea>
movs{b,w,l} <ea>,Rn (alternate form)
movs{b,w,l} Rn,<ea> (      "          "  )
muls muls{w,l} <ea>,Dn Signed Multiply
muls{l} <ea>,Dn,Dn *
muls <ea>,Dn (same as mulsw)
mulu mulu{w,l} <ea>,Dn Unsigned Multiply
mulu{l} <ea>,Dn,Dn *
mulu <ea>,Dn (same as muluw)
nbcd nbcd <ea> Negate Decimal with Extend
neg neg{b,w,l} <ea> Negate
negx negx{b,w,l} <ea> Negate with Extend
nop nop No Operation
not not{b,w,l} <ea> Logical Complement
or or{b,w,l} <ea>,Dn Inclusive-OR Logical
or{b,w,l} Dn,<ea>
ori ori{b,w,l} #data,<ea> Inclusive-OR Immediate
or{b,w,l} #data,<ea>
ori to ccr ori{b} #data,ccr Inclusive-OR Immediate
or{b} #data,ccr to Condition Codes
ori to ssr ori{w} #data,sr Inclusive-OR Immediate
or{w} #data,sr to the Status Register
pack pack Dn,Dn,#data Pack
pack An@,An@,#data
pea pea <ea> Push Effective Address
reset reset Reset External Devices
rol rol{b,w,l} #data,Dn Rotate Left without Extend
rol{b,w,l} Dn,Dn
rol{w} <ea>
ror ror{b,w,l} #data,Dn Rotate Right without Extend
ror{b,w,l} Dn,Dn
ror{w} <ea>
roxl roxl{b,w,l} #data,Dn Rotate Left with Extend
roxl{b,w,l} Dn,Dn
roxl{w} <ea>
roxr roxr{b,w,l} #data,Dn Rotate Right with Extend
roxr{b,w,l} Dn,Dn
roxr{w} <ea>
rtd rtd #data Return and Deallocate
rte rte Return from Exception
rtm rtm Rn Return from Module
rtr rtr Return and Restore
Condition Codes

rts rts Return from Subroutine

sbcd sbcd Dn,Dn Subtract Decimal with Extend
sbcd An@,An@
scc Set According to Condition
scc <ea> carry clear
scs <ea> carry set
seq <ea> equal
sf <ea> never equal
sge <ea> greater or equal
sgt <ea> greater than
shi <ea> high
sle <ea> less or equal
sls <ea> low or same
slt <ea> less than
smi <ea> minus
sne <ea> not equal
spl <ea> plus
st <ea> always true
svc <ea> overflow clear
svs <ea> overflow set
stop stop #data Load Status Register and Stop
sub sub{b,w,l} <ea>,Dn Subtract
sub{b,w,l} Dn,<ea>
suba suba{w,l} <ea>,An Subtract Address
sub{w,l} <ea>,An
subi subi{b,w,l} #data,<ea> Subtract Immediate
sub{b,w,l} #data,<ea>
subq subq{b,w,l} #data,<ea> Subtract Quick
sub{b,w,l} #data,<ea>
subx subx{b,w,l} Dn,Dn Subtract with Extend
subx{b,w,l} An@,An@
swap swap Dn Swap Register Halves
tas tas <ea> Test and Set an Operand
trap trap #data Trap
trapcc Trap on Condition (Unsized)
trapcc carry clear
trapcs carry set
trapeq equal
trapf never equal
trapge greater or equal
trapgt greater than
traphi high
traple less or equal
trapls low or same
traplt less than
trapmi minus
trapne not equal
trappl plus
trapt always true
trapvc overflow clear
trapvs overflow set
trapcc. Trap on Condition (Sized)
trapcc.{w,l} #data carry clear
trapcs.{w,l} #data carry set
trapeq.{w,l} #data equal
trapf.{w,l} #data never equal
trapge.{w,l} #data greater or equal
trapgt.{w,l} #data greater than
traphi.{w,l} #data high
traple.{w,l} #data less or equal
trapls.{w,l} #data low or same
traplt.{w,l} #data less than
trapmi.{w,l} #data minus
trapne.{w,l} #data not equal
trappl.{w,l} #data plus
trapt.{w,l} #data always true
trapvc.{w,l} #data overflow clear
trapvs.{w,l} #data overflow set
trapv trapv Trap on Overflow
tst tst{b,w,l} <ea> Test an Operand
unlk unlk An Unlink
unpk unpk Dn,Dn,#data Unpack BCD
unpk An@,An@,#data

Floating-Point Instructions

In the following list of instructions, condition_code can be replaced by any of the following:

Code Meaning
eq Equal
ne Not Equal
ueq Unordered or Equal
ge Greater Than or Equal
nge Not (Greater Than or Equal)
oge Ordered Greater Than or Equal
uge Unordered or Greater or Equal
gl Greater or Less Than
ngl Not (Greater or Less Than)
ogl Ordered Greater or Less Than
gle Greater, Less or Equal
ngle Not (Greater, Less or Equal)
gt Greater Than
ngt Not Greater Than
ogt Ordered Greater Than
ugt Unordered or Greater Than
le Less Than or Equal
nle Not (Less Than or Equal)
ole Ordered Less Than or Equal
ule Unordered Less Than or Equal
lt Less Than
nlt Not Less Than
olt Ordered Less Than
ult Unordered or Less Than
t True
f False
st Signaling True
sf Signaling False
seq Signaling Equal
sne Signaling Not Equal
or Ordered
un Unordered

Name Operator Operand Operation Name
fabs fabs{b,w,l,s,d,x,p} <ea>,FPn Floating-Point Absolute Value
fabs{x} FPn,FPn
fabs{x} FPn
facos facos{b,w,l,s,d,x,p} <ea>,FPn Arc Cosine
facos{x} FPn,FPn
facos{x} FPn
fadd fadd{b,w,l,s,d,x,p} <ea>,FPn Floating-Point Add
fadd{x} FPn,FPn
fadd{x} FPn
fasin fasin{b,w,l,s,d,x,p} <ea>,FPn Arc Sine
fasin{x} FPn,FPn
fasin{x} FPn
fatan fatan{b,w,l,s,d,x,p} <ea>,FPn Arc Tangent
fatan{x} FPn,FPn
fatan{x} FPn
fatanh fatanh{b,w,l,s,d,x,p} <ea>,FPn Hyperbolic Arc Tangent
fatanh{x} FPn,FPn
fatanh{x} FPn
fbcc Floating-Point
fb{condition_code} <ea> Branch Conditionally
fjcc Floating-Point
fj{condition_code} <ea> Branch or Jump Conditionally
fcmp fcmp{b,w,l,s,d,x,p} <ea>,FPn Floating-Point Compare
fcmp{x} FPn,FPn
fcmp{x} FPn
fcos fcos{b,w,l,s,d,x,p} <ea>,FPn Cosine
fcos{x} FPn,FPn
fcos{x} FPn
fcosh fcosh{b,w,l,s,d,x,p} <ea>,FPn Hyperbolic Cosine
fcosh{x} FPn,FPn
fcosh{x} FPn
fdbcc Floating-Point Test Condition,
fdb{condition_code} Dn,<ea> Decrement, and Branch
fdiv fdiv{b,w,l,s,d,x,p} <ea>,FPn Floating-Point Divide
fdiv{x} FPn,FPn
fdiv{x} FPn
fetox fetox{b,w,l,s,d,x,p} <ea>,FPn Floating-Point ex
fetox{x} FPn,FPn
fetox{x} FPn
fetoxm1 fetoxm1{b,w,l,s,d,x,p} <ea>,FPn Floating-Point ex1
fetoxm1{x} FPn,FPn
fetoxm1{x} FPn
fgetexp fgetexp{b,w,l,s,d,x,p} <ea>,FPn Get Exponent
fgetexp{x} FPn,FPn
fgetexp{x} FPn
fgetman fgetman{b,w,l,s,d,x,p} <ea>,FPn Get Mantissa
fgetman{x} FPn,FPn
fgetman{x} FPn
fint fint{b,w,l,s,d,x,p} <ea>,FPn Integer Part
fint{x} FPn,FPn
fint{x} FPn
fintrz fintrz{b,w,l,s,d,x,p} <ea>,FPn Integer Part, Round-to-Zero
fintrz{x} FPn,FPn
fintrz{x} FPn
flog10 flog10{b,w,l,s,d,x,p} <ea>,FPn Log10
flog10{x} FPn,FPn
flog10{x} FPn
flog2 flog2{b,w,l,s,d,x,p} <ea>,FPn Log2
flog2{x} FPn,FPn
flog2{x} FPn
flogn flogn{b,w,l,s,d,x,p} <ea>,FPn Loge
flogn{x} FPn,FPn
flogn{x} FPn
flognp1 flognp1{b,w,l,s,d,x,p} <ea>,FPn Loge(x+1)
flognp1{x} FPn,FPn
flognp1{x} FPn
fmod fmod{b,w,l,s,d,x,p} <ea>,FPn Modulo Remainder
fmod{x} FPn,FPn
fmod{x} FPn
fmove fmove{b,w,l,s,d,x,p} <ea>,FPn Move Floating-Point
fmove{b,w,l,s,d,x} FPn,<ea> Data Register
fmove{p} FPn,<ea>{Dn}
fmove{p} FPn,<ea>,{#k}
fmove{x} FPn,FPn
fmove{x} FPn
fmove fcr fmove{l} FPcr,<ea> Move Floating-Point
fmove{l} <ea>,FPcr System Control Register
fmovecr fmovecr{x} #data,FPn Move Constant ROM
fmovecr #data,FPn (same as above)
fmovem fmovem{l,x} reglist,<ea> Move Multiple Floating-Point
fmovem{l,x} <ea>,reglist Data Registers
fmovem{l,x} #data,<ea> (reglist can be immediate
fmovem{l,x} <ea>,#data data, as shown here)
fpmovem fmovem{l} FPcrlist,<ea> Move Multiple Floating-Point
ccr fmovem{l} <ea>,FPcrlist Control Registers
fmul fmul{b,w,l,s,d,x,p} <ea>,FPn Floating-Point Multiply
fmul{x} FPn,FPn
fmul{x} FPn
fneg fneg{b,w,l,s,d,x,p} <ea>,FPn Floating-Point Negate
fneg{x} FPn,FPn
fneg{x} FPn
fnop fnop No Operation
frem frem{b,w,l,s,d,x,p} <ea>,FPn IEEE Remainder
frem{x} FPn,FPn
frem{x} FPn
frestore frestore <ea> Restore Internal Floating-Point

fsave fsave <ea> Save Internal Floating-Point

fscale fscale{b,w,l,s,d,x,p} <ea>,FPn Scale Exponent
fscale{x} FPn,FPn
fscale{x} FPn
fscc Set According to Floating-Point
fs{condition_code} <ea> Condition
fsgldiv fsgldiv{b,w,l,s,d,x,p} <ea>,FPn Single Precision Divide
fsgldiv{x} FPn,FPn
fsgldiv{x} FPn
fsglmul fsglmul{b,w,l,s,d,x,p} <ea>,FPn Single Precision Multiply
fsglmul{x} FPn,FPn
fsglmul{x} FPn
fsin fsin{b,w,l,s,d,x,p} <ea>,FPn Sine
fsin{x} FPn,FPn
fsin{x} FPn
fsincos fsincos{b,w,l,s,d,x,p} <ea>,FPn,FPn * Simultaneous Sine and Cosine
fsincos{x} FPn,FPn,FPn *
fsinh fsinh{b,w,l,s,d,x,p} <ea>,FPn Hyperbolic Sine
fsinh{x} FPn,FPn
fsinh{x} FPn
fsqrt fsqrt{b,w,l,s,d,x,p} <ea>,FPn Floating-Point Square Root
fsqrt{x} FPn,FPn
fsqrt{x} FPn
fsub fsub{b,w,l,s,d,x,p} <ea>,FPn Floating-Point Subtract
fsub{x} FPn,FPn
fsub{x} FPn
ftan ftan{b,w,l,s,d,x,p} <ea>,FPn Tangent
ftan{x} FPn,FPn
ftan{x} FPn
ftanh ftanh{b,w,l,s,d,x,p} <ea>,FPn Hyperbolic Tangent
ftanh{x} FPn,FPn
ftanh{x} FPn
ftentox ftentox{b,w,l,s,d,x,p} <ea>,FPn 10x
ftentox{x} FPn,FPn
ftentox{x} FPn
ftrapcc Trap on Floating-Point
ftrap{condition_code} Condition
ftrap{condition_code}w #data
ftrap{condition_code}l #data
ftst ftst{b,w,l,s,d,x,p} <ea> Test Floating-Point Operand
ftst{x} FPn
ftwotox ftwotox{b,w,l,s,d,x,p} <ea>,FPn 2x
ftwotox{x} FPn,FPn
ftwotox{x} FPn

68030-Specific Instructions

This section lists several miscellaneous instructions specific to the 68030 processor.

Name Operator Operand Operation Name
pflush pflusha030 Flush Entry in the ATC
pflush #data,#data
pflush Dn,#data
pflush sfc,#data
pflush dfc,#data
pflush #data,#data,<ea>
pflush Dn,#data,<ea>
pflush sfc,#data,<ea>
pflush dfc,#data,<ea>
pload ploadr #data,<ea> Load an Entry into the ATC
ploadr Dn,<ea>
ploadr sfc,<ea>
ploadr dfc,<ea>
ploadw #data,<ea>
ploadw Dn,<ea>
ploadw sfc,<ea>
ploadw dfc,<ea>
pmove pmove MRn,<ea> Move to/from MMU registers
pmove <ea>,MRn
pmovefd <ea>,MRn
ptest ptestr #data,<ea>,#data Test a Logical Address
ptestr Dn,<ea>,#data
ptestr sfc,<ea>,#data
ptestr dfc,<ea>,#data
ptestr #data,<ea>,#data,An
ptestr Dn,<ea>,#data,An
ptestr sfc,<ea>,#data,An
ptestr dfc,<ea>,#data,An
ptestw #data,<ea>,#data
ptestw Dn,<ea>,#data
ptestw sfc,<ea>,#data
ptestw dfc,<ea>,#data
ptestw #data,<ea>,#data,An
ptestw Dn,<ea>,#data,An
ptestw sfc,<ea>,#data,An
ptestw dfc,<ea>,#data,An

68040-Specific Instructions

This section lists several miscellaneous instructions specific to the 68040 processor.

Name Operator Operand Operation Name
cinv cinvl {ic,dc,bc},An@ Invalidate Cache Lines
cinvp {ic,dc,bc},An@
cinva {ic,dc,bc}
cpush cpushl {ic,dc,bc} Push and Invalidate Cache Lines
cpushp {ic,dc,bc}
cpusha {ic,dc,bc}
fabs fsabs{b,w,l,s,d,x,p} <ea>,FPn Floating-Point Absolute Value
fsabs{x} FPn,FPn
fsabs{x} FPn
fdabs{b,w,l,s,d,x,p} <ea>,FPn
fdabs{x} FPn,FPn
fdabs{x} FPn
fadd fsadd{b,w,l,s,d,x,p} <ea>,FPn Floating-Point Add
fsadd{x} FPn,FPn
fsadd{x} FPn
fdadd{b,w,l,s,d,x,p} <ea>,FPn
fdadd{x} FPn,FPn
fdadd{x} FPn
fdiv fsdiv{b,w,l,s,d,x,p} <ea>,FPn Floating-Point Divide
fsdiv{x} FPn,FPn
fsdiv{x} FPn
fddiv{b,w,l,s,d,x,p} <ea>,FPn
fddiv{x} FPn,FPn
fddiv{x} FPn
fmove fsmove{b,w,l,s,d,x,p} <ea>,FPn Move Floating-Point
fsmove{x} FPn,FPn Data Register
fsmove{x} FPn
fdmove{b,w,l,s,d,x,p} <ea>,FPn
fdmove{x} FPn,FPn
fdmove{x} FPn
fmul fsmul{b,w,l,s,d,x,p} <ea>,FPn Floating-Point Multiply
fsmul{x} FPn,FPn
fsmul{x} FPn
fdmul{b,w,l,s,d,x,p} <ea>,FPn
fdmul{x} FPn,FPn
fdmul{x} FPn
fneg fsneg{b,w,l,s,d,x,p} <ea>,FPn Floating-Point Negate
fsneg{x} FPn,FPn
fsneg{x} FPn
fdneg{b,w,l,s,d,x,p} <ea>,FPn
fdneg{x} FPn,FPn
fdneg{x} FPn
fsqrt fssqrt{b,w,l,s,d,x,p} <ea>,FPn Floating-Point Square Root
fssqrt FPn,FPn
fssqrt FPn
fdsqrt{b,w,l,s,d,x,p} <ea>,FPn
fdsqrt FPn,FPn
fdsqrt FPn
fsub fssub{b,w,l,s,d,x,p} <ea>,FPn Floating-Point Subtract
fssub{x} FPn,FPn
fssub{x} FPn
fdsub{b,w,l,s,d,x,p} <ea>,FPn
fdsub{x} FPn,FPn
fdsub{x} FPn
move16 move16 An@+,An@+ Move 16 Bytes Block
move16 #data,An@
move16 #data,An@+
move16 An@,#data
move16 An@+,#data
pflush pflush An@ Flush ATC Entries
pflushn An@


ptest ptestr An@ Test a Logical Address
ptestw An@