Enterprise Objects Framework Release 1.0 Copyright ©1994 by NeXT Computer, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.


Inherits From: NSCoder : NSObject
Conforms To: NSCoding
Declared In: foundation/NSArchiver.h

Class Description

NSUnarchiver, a concrete subclass of NSCoder, defines objects that can decode a data structure, such as a graph of Objective C objects, from an archive. Such archives are produced by objects of the NSArchiver class. See the NSArchiver specification for an introduction to archiving.

General Exception Conditions

While unarchiving, NSUnarchiver performs a variety of consistency checks on the incoming data stream. NSUnarchiver raises an NSInconsistentArchiveException for a variety of reasons. Possible data errors leading to this exception are: unknown type descriptors in the data file; an array type descriptor is incorrectly terminated (missing ]); excess characters in a type descriptor; a null class found where a concrete class was expected class not loaded.

Instance Variables

None declared in this class.

Method Types

Initializing an NSUnarchiver initForReadingWithData:
Decoding Objects + unarchiveObjectWithData:
+ unarchiveObjectWithFile:
Managing an NSUnarchiver isAtEnd
Substituting One Class for Another
+ classNameDecodedForArchiveClassName:
+ decodeClassName:asClassName:

Class Methods

+ (NSString *)classNameDecodedForArchiveClassName:
(NSString *)nameInArchive

Returns the class name used to archive instances of the class (nameInArchive). This may not be the original class name but another name encoded with NSArchiver's encodeClassName:intoClassName.


+ (void)decodeClassName:(NSString *)nameInArchive
asClassName:(NSString *)trueName

Decodes from the archived data a class name (nameInArchive) substituted for the real class name (trueName). This method enables easy conversion of unarchived data when there are name changes in classes.


+ (id)unarchiveObjectWithData:(NSData *)data

Decodes an archived object stored in data.


+ (id)unarchiveObjectWithFile:(NSString *)path

Decodes an archived object stored in the file path.

Instance Methods

(NSString *)classNameDecodedForArchiveClassName:
(NSString *)nameInArchive

Returns the class name used to archive instances of the class (nameInArchive). This may not be the original class name but another name encoded with NSArchiver's encodeClassName:intoClassName.


(void)decodeArrayOfObjCType:(const char *)itemType count:(unsigned int)count at:(void *)array

Decodes an array of count data elements of the same Objective C data itemType. It is your responsibility to release any objects derived in this way.


(void)decodeClassName:(NSString *)nameInArchive
asClassName:(NSString *)trueName

Decodes from the archived data a class name (nameInArchive) substituted for the real class name (trueName). This method enables easy conversion of unarchived data when there are name changes in classes.


(id)initForReadingWithData:(NSData *)data

Initializes an NSUnarchiver object from data object data. Raises NSInvalidArgumentException if the data argument is nil.



Returns YES if the end of data is reached, NO if more data follows.


(NSZone *)objectZone

Returns the allocation zone for the unarchiver object.


(void)setObjectZone:(NSZone *)zone

Sets the allocation zone for the unarchiver object to zone. If zone is nil, it sets it to the default zone.


(unsigned int)systemVersion

Returns the system version number for the unarchived data.