Enterprise Objects Framework Release 1.0 Copyright ©1994 by NeXT Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
NSAllocateObject(), NSDeallocateObject() |
SUMMARY Create and destroy objects
DECLARED IN foundation/NSObject.h SYNOPSIS id *NSAllocateObject(Class class, unsigned extraBytes, NXZone *zone) |
void NSDeallocateObject(id <NSObject> anObject) |
DESCRIPTION NSAllocateObject allocates and returns a pointer to an instance of class, created in the specified zone (or in the default zone, if zone is NULL). The extraBytes argument (usually zero) states the number of extra bytes required for indexed instance variables. Returns nil on failure. |
NSDeallocateObject deallocates anObject, which must have been allocated using NSAllocateObject(). |
RETURN NSAllocateObject returns a pointer to an instance of class, or nil upon failure. |
NSDeallocateObject returns void. |
SEE ALSO NSCopyObject() |
NSAssert, NSAssertn, NSCAssert, NSCAssertn, NSParameterAssert, NSCParameterAssert |
SUMMARY Assertion macros
DECLARED IN foundation/NSExceptions.h SYNOPSIS NSAssert(condition, NSString *description) |
NSAssert1(condition, NSString *description, arg1 ) NSAssert2(condition, NSString *description, arg1, arg2) NSAssert3(condition, NSString *description, arg1, arg2, arg3) NSAssert4(condition, NSString *description, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) NSAssert5(condition, NSString *description, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5) NSCAssert(condition, NSString *description) NSCAssert1(condition, NSString *description, arg1 ) NSCAssert2(condition, NSString *description, arg1, arg2) NSCAssert3(condition, NSString *description, arg1, arg2, arg3) NSCAssert4(condition, NSString *description, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) NSCAssert5(condition, NSString *description, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5) NSParameterAssert(condition) NSCParameterAssert(condition) |
DESCRIPTION Assertions evaluate a condition and, if the condition evaluates to false, call the assertion handler for the current thread, passing it a format string and a variable number of arguments. Each thread has its own assertion handler, which is an object of class NSAssertionHandler. When invoked, an assertion handler prints a error message that includes method and class (or function name). It then raises an exception of type NSInternalInconsistencyException. |
An assortment of macros evaluate the condition and serve as a front end to the assertion handler. These macros fall into two types: those for use within Objective-C methods (NSAssertn()), and those for use within C functions (NSCAssertn()). NSAssert() and NSCAssert() take no arguments other than the condition and the format string. The other macros take the number of format-string arguments as indicated by n.
condition must be an expression that evaluates to true or false. description is a printf()-style format string that describes the failure condition. Each arg is an argument to be inserted, in place, into the description. NSParameterAssert() and NSCParameterAssert() are assertion macros that validate parameters, one within Objective-C methods and the other within C functions. Simply provide the parameter as the condition argument. The macro evaluates the parameter and, if it is false, it logs an error message which includes the parameter and raises an exception Assertions are compiled into code only if the preprocessor macro DEBUG is defined. |
RETURN All macros return void.
SEE ALSO NSRaise(), NSRaisev(), NSLog(), NSLogv() |
NSClassFromString(), NSStringFromClass |
SUMMARY Obtain a class by name, or the name of a class
DECLARED IN foundation/NSObjCRuntime.h SYNOPSIS Class NSClassFromString(NSString *aClassName) |
NSString *NSStringFromClass(Class aClass) |
DESCRIPTION NSClassFromString returns the class object named by aClassName, or nil if none by this name is currently loaded. |
NSStringFromClass returns an NSString containing the name of aClass.
NSCopyObject() |
SUMMARY Copy NSObjects
DECLARED IN foundation/NSObject.h SYNOPSIS NSObject *NSCopyObject(NSObject *anObject, unsigned extraBytes, NSZone *zone) DESCRIPTION Creates and returns a new object that's an exact copy of anObject, created in the specified zone (or in the default zone, if zone is NULL). The extraBytes argument (usually zero) states the number of extra bytes required for indexed instance variables. Returns nil on failure. RETURN Returns a pointer to a new NSObject that is an exact copy of anObject. SEE ALSO NSAllocateObject(), NSDeallocateObject() |
NSCreateZone() |
SUMMARY Creates a new zone
DECLARED IN foundation/NSZone.h SYNOPSIS NSZone *NSCreateZone(unsigned startSize, unsigned granularity, BOOL canFree) DESCRIPTION Creates and returns a pointer to a new zone of startSize bytes, which will grow and shrink by granularity bytes. If canFree is zero, the allocator will never free memory, and malloc() will be fast. RETURN Returns a pointer to a new NSZone. SEE ALSO NSDefaultMallocZone(), NSRecycleZone(), NSSetZoneName() |
NSDefaultMallocZone() |
SUMMARY Returns the default zone
DECLARED IN foundation/NSZone.h SYNOPSIS NSZone *NSDefaultMallocZone(void) DESCRIPTION Returns the default zone, which is created automatically at startup. This is the zone used by the standard C function malloc(). RETURN Returns a pointer to the default zone. SEE ALSO NSCreateZone() |
NSGetUncaughtExceptionHandler(), NSSetUncaughtExceptionHandler() |
SUMMARY Change the top level error handler.
DECLARED IN foundation/NSException.h SYNOPSIS NSUncaughtExceptionHandler *NSGetUncaughtExceptionHandler(void) |
void NSSetUncaughtExceptionHandler(NSUncaughtExceptionHandler *handler) |
DESCRIPTION NSGetUncaughtExceptionHandler returns a pointer to the function serving as the top-level error handler. This handler will process exceptions raised outside of any exception-handling domain. |
NSSetUncaughtExceptionHandler sets the top-level error-handling function to handler. If handler is NULL or this function is never invoked, the default top-level handler is used. |
RETURN NSGetUncaughtExceptionHandler returns a pointer to the top-level error handler. |
NSSetUncaughtExceptionHandler returns void.
NSIncrementExtraRefCount(), NSDecrementExtraRefCountWasZero() |
SUMMARY Modify object reference counts
DECLARED IN foundation/NSObject.h SYNOPSIS void NSIncrementExtraRefCount(id anObject) |
BOOL NSDecrementExtraRefCountWasZero(id anObject) |
DESCRIPTION These functions modify the "extra reference" count of an object. Newly created objects have only one actual reference, so that a single release message results in the object being deallocated. Extra references are those beyond the single original reference, and are usually created by sending the object a retain message. Your code should generally not use these functions unless it's overriding the retain or release methods.
RETURN NSDecrementExtraRefCountWasZero() returns NO if anObject had an extra reference count. If anObject didn't have an extra referenct count, it returns YES, indicating that the object should be deallocated (with dealloc). |
NSIntersectionRange(), NSUnionRange() |
SUMMARY Combine ranges
DECLARED IN foundation/NSRange.h SYNOPSIS NSRange NSIntersectionRange(NSRange range1, NSRange range2) |
NSRange NSUnionRange(NSRange range1, NSRange range2) |
DESCRIPTION NSIntersectionRange() returns a range describing the intersection of range1 and range2--that is, a range containing the indices that exist in both ranges. If the returned range's length field is zero, then the two ranges don't intersect, and the value of the location field is undefined. |
NSUnionRange() returns a range covering all indices in and between range1 and range2. If one range is completely contained in the other, the returned range is equal to the larger range. |
RETURN Each function returns the resulting combined range. |
NSLocationInRange(), NSMaxRange() |
SUMMARY Check positions in ranges
DECLARED IN foundation/NSRange.h SYNOPSIS BOOL NSLocationInRange(unsigned index, NSRange aRange) |
unsigned NSMaxRange(NSRange aRange) |
DESCRIPTION NSLocationInRange() returns YES if the given index lies within aRange--that is, if it's greater than or equal to aRange.location and less than aRange.location plus aRange.length. |
NSMaxRange() returns the location plus the length of aRange. This is the index for the item just past the end of the range, not the last item in the range. Note that NSMaxRange() can easily overflow if aRange.length is a large value.
NSLog(), NSLogv() |
SUMMARY Log an error message to stderr.
DECLARED IN foundation/NSUtilities.h SYNOPSIS extern void NSLog(NSString *format, ...) |
extern void NSLogv(NSString *format, va_list args) |
DESCRIPTION NSLogv() logs an error message to stderr. The message consists of a timestamp and the process ID prefixed to the string you pass in. You compose this string with a format string and a variable number of arguments. NSLog() simply passes along a variable number of arguments to NSLogv(). |
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RETURN Both functions return void.
SEE ALSO NSRaise(), NSRaisev() |
NSRaise(), NSRaisev() |
SUMMARY Raise an exception.
DECLARED IN foundation/NSExceptions.h SYNOPSIS extern void NSRaise(unsigned int exceptionCode, NSString *format, ...) |
extern void NSRaisev(unsigned int exceptionCode, NSString *format, va_list args) |
DESCRIPTION NSRaisev() logs an error message and then raises an exception (NX_RAISE()). NSRaise() simply passes along a variable number of arguments to NSRaisev(). |
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RETURN Both functions return void.
SEE ALSO NSAssert(), NSLog(), NSLogv() |
NSRecycleZone() |
SUMMARY Frees memory in a zone
DECLARED IN foundation/NSZone.h SYNOPSIS void NSRecycleZone(NSZone *zone) |
void NSZoneFree(NSZone *zone, void *pointer) |
DESCRIPTION NSRecycleZone frees zone after adding any of its pointers still in use to the default zone. (This strategy prevents retained objects from being inadvertently destroyed.) |
NSZoneFree returns the memory indicated by pointer to zone. The standard C function free() does the same, but spends time finding which zone the memory belongs to. |
RETURN Both functions return void.
SEE ALSO NSCreateZone(), NSZoneMalloc() |
NSSelectorFromString(), NSStringFromSelector() |
SUMMARY Obtain a selector by name, or the name of a selector
DECLARED IN foundation/NSObjCRuntime.h SYNOPSIS SEL NSSelectorFromString(NSString *aSelectorName) |
NSString *NSStringFromSelector(SEL aSelector) |
DESCRIPTION NSSelectorFromString returns the selector named by aSelectorName, or zero if none by this name exists. |
NSStringFromSelector returns an NSString containing the name of aSelector.
NSSetZoneName(), NSZoneName() |
SUMMARY Work with zone names
DECLARED IN foundation/NSZone.h SYNOPSIS void NSSetZoneName(NSZone *zone, NSString *name) |
NSString *NSZoneName(NSZone *zone) |
DESCRIPTION NSSetZoneName sets the specified zone's name to name, which can aid in debugging. |
NSZoneName returns the name of the specified zone as an NSString.
NSShouldRetainWithZone() |
SUMMARY Decide whether to retain an object
DECLARED IN foundation/NSObject.h SYNOPSIS BOOL NSShouldRetainWithZone(NSObject *anObject, NSZone *requestedZone) DESCRIPTION Returns YES if requestedZone is NULL, the default zone, or the zone in which anObject was allocated. This function is typically called from inside an NSObject's copyWithZone: method, when deciding whether to retain anObject as opposed to making a copy of it. RETURN Returns YES if anObject should be retained with requestedZone. |
NSStringFromRange() |
SUMMARY Get a string representation of a range
DECLARED IN foundation/NSRange.h SYNOPSIS NSString *NSStringFromRange(NSRange range) DESCRIPTION Returns a string representation of the specified range. RETURN Returns a string of the form: "{location = a; length = b}", where a and b are non-negative integers. |
NSUserName(), NSHomeDirectory(), NSHomeDirectoryForUser() |
SUMMARY Get information about a user
DECLARED IN foundation/NSPathUtilities.h SYNOPSIS NSString *NSUserName(void) |
NSString *NSHomeDirectory(void) NSString *NSHomeDirectoryForUser(NSString * userName) |
DESCRIPTION NSUserName returns the name of the current user. |
NSHomeDirectory returns a path to the current user's home directory.
NSHomeDirectoryForUser returns a path to the home directory for the user specified by userName.
NSZoneCalloc(), NSZoneMalloc(), NSZoneRealloc() |
SUMMARY Allocate memory in a zone
DECLARED IN foundation/NSZone.h SYNOPSIS void *NSZoneCalloc(NSZone *zone, unsigned numElems, unsigned byteSize) |
void *NSZoneMalloc(NSZone *zone, unsigned size) void *NSZoneRealloc(NSZone *zone, void *ptr, unsigned size) |
DESCRIPTION NSZoneCalloc allocates enough memory from zone for numElems elements, each with a size numBytes bytes, and returns a pointer to the allocated memory. The memory is initialized with zeros. |
NSZoneMalloc allocates size bytes in zone, and returns a pointer to the allocated memory.
NSZoneRealloc changes the size of the block of memory pointed to by ptr to size bytes. It may allocate new memory to replace the old, in which case it moves the contents of the old memory block to the new block, up to a maximum of size bytes. ptr may be NULL. |
RETURN All three functions return a pointer to the newly-allocated block of memory, or nil if the operation was unable to allocate the requested memory.
SEE ALSO NSDefaultMallocZone(), NSRecycleZone(), NSZoneFree() |
NSZoneFromPtr |
SUMMARY Get the zone for a given block of memory
DECLARED IN foundation/NSZone.h SYNOPSIS NSZone *NSZoneFromPtr(void *pointer) DESCRIPTION Returns the zone for the block of memory indicated by pointer, or NULL if the block was not allocated from a zone. The pointer must be one that was returned by a prior call to an allocation function. RETURN Returns the zone for the indicated block of memory, or NULL if the block was not allocated from a zone. SEE ALSO NSZoneCalloc(), NSZoneMalloc(), NSZoneRealloc() |