Copyright ©1995 by NeXT Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
NXWorkspaceRequestProtocol |
Adopted By: | No NEXTSTEP classes | |
Declared In: | appkit/workspaceRequest.h |
Protocol Description |
The NXWorkspaceRequestProtocol protocol is implemented by an object in the Workspace Manager that responds to application requests to do such things as open files, launch applications, and return file icons. This object is made available through the Application object's workspace method. For example, the following code uses the Workspace Manager object to request that a file be opened in the Edit application: |
[[Application workspace] openFile:"/tmp/README"
Before NEXTSTEP Release 3, some of the functionality of this protocol was found in the Speaker and Listener classes. New applications should be changed to send messages to the Workspace Manager object rather than to Workspace Manager's Listener.
Many of the methods in the NXWorkspaceRequestProtocol protocol depend on the existence of an Application object and its Speaker and/or Listener objects. This presents no problem for NEXTSTEP applications, but other applications may have to create an Application object and send it a run message in order to use these methods. |
Method Types |
Opening files | - openFile: |
- openFile:withApplication: - openFile:fromImage:at:inView: - openFile:withApplication:andDeactivate: - openTempFile: - findString:inFile: |
Manipulating applications | - launchApplication: |
- launchApplication:showTile:autolaunch: - hideOtherApplications |
Manipulating files | - performFileOperation:source:destination:files:options: |
- selectFile:inFileViewerRootedAt: |
Requesting information about files |
- getIconForFile: - getInfoForFile:application:type: - getFullPathForApplication: - getInfoForFileSystemAt:isRemovable:isWritable: |
isUnmountable:description:type: |
Requesting additional time before logout |
- extendPowerOffBy: |
Tracking changes to the file system |
- fileSystemChanged - didFileSystemChange |
Updating registered services and file types |
- findApplications |
Tracking changes to the defaults database |
- defaultsChanged - didDefaultsChange |
Tracking status changes for applications and devices |
- beginListeningForApplicationStatusChanges - endListeningForApplicationStatusChanges - beginListeningForDeviceStatusChanges - endListeningForDeviceStatusChanges - getMountedRemovableMedia: - mountNewRemovableMedia: - checkForRemovableMedia |
Animating an image | - slideImage:from:to: | |
Unmounting a device | - unmountAndEjectDeviceAt: |
Instance Methods |
beginListeningForApplicationStatusChanges |
- (void)beginListeningForApplicationStatusChanges |
Notifies Workspace Manager that the application wants to be notified of changes in the status of all applications. After sending this message, the Application object's delegate will receive the following messages when an application is launched or after one terminates: |
app:applicationWillLaunch: app:applicationDidLaunch: app:applicationDidTerminate: |
See also: - endListeningForApplicationStatusChanges |
beginListeningForDeviceStatusChanges |
- (void)beginListeningForDeviceStatusChanges |
Notifies Workspace Manager that the application wants to be notified when various media (usually optical or floppy disks) are mounted or unmounted. After sending this message, the Application object's delegate will receive the following messages after a device is mounted or unmounted: |
app:mounted: app:unmounted: |
These methods complement the unmounting:ok: method, which is sent just before a device is unmounted so that applications can end all their accesses to that device.
See also: - endListeningForDeviceStatusChanges |
checkForRemovableMedia |
- (void)checkForRemovableMedia |
Causes the Workspace Manager to poll the system's drives for any disks that have been inserted but not yet mounted. checkForRemovableMedia doesn't wait until such disks are mounted; instead, it asks the Workspace Manager to mount the disk asynchronously and returns immediately.
See also: - getMountedRemovableMedia:, - mountNewRemovableMedia: |
defaultsChanged |
- (void)defaultsChanged |
Informs Workspace Manager that the defaults database has changed. Workspace Manager then reads all the defaults it is interested in and reconfigures itself appropriately. For example, this method is used by the Preferences application to notify Workspace Manager whether the user prefers to see hidden files.
See also: - didDefaultsChange |
didDefaultsChange |
- (BOOL)didDefaultsChange |
Returns whether a change to the defaults database has been registered with a defaultsChanged message, and clears the internal flag (for the sending application) that indicates such a change. |
didFileSystemChange |
- (BOOL)didFileSystemChange |
Returns whether a change to the file system has been registered with a fileSystemChanged message, and clears the internal flag (for the sending application) that indicates such a change. |
endListeningForApplicationStatusChanges |
- (void)endListeningForApplicationStatusChanges |
Notifies Workspace Manager that the application is no longer interested in notifications of application launches and terminations.
See also: - beginListeningForApplicationStatusChanges |
endListeningForDeviceStatusChanges |
- (void)endListeningForDeviceStatusChanges |
Notifies Workspace Manager that the application is no longer interested in notifications of the mounting and unmounting of devices (such as optical and floppy disks).
See also: - beginListeningForDeviceStatusChanges |
extendPowerOffBy: |
- (int)extendPowerOffBy:(int)requestedMs |
Requests more time before the power goes off or the user logs out. An application can send this message in response to a powerOffIn:andSave: message that doesn't give the application enough time to prepare for the impending shutdown.
requestedMs is how many additional milliseconds are needed, beyond the number given in the powerOffIn:andSave: message. The actual granted number of additional milliseconds is returned. See also: |
fileSystemChanged |
- (void)fileSystemChanged |
Informs Workspace Manager that the file system has changed. Workspace Manager then gets the status of all the files and directories it is interested in and updates itself appropriately. This method is used by many objects that write or delete files. Even if this method isn't invoked, Workspace Manager will note changes to the file system relatively quickly if it is the active application.
See also: - didFileSystemChange |
findApplications |
- (void)findApplications |
Instructs Workspace Manager to examine all applications in the normal places and update its records of registered services and file types. This can be useful in an project building application, for example. |
findString:inFile: |
- (BOOL)findString:(const char *)aString inFile:(const char *)filename |
Instructs Workspace Manager to open the file filename (specified with a complete path), with the string aString selected. The file is opened using the default application for its type. The application that opens the file must implement the msgSetPosition:posType:andSelect:ok: message in its Listener's delegate to find the selection. |
getFullPathForApplication: |
- (const char *)getFullPathForApplication:(const char *)appName |
Returns the full path for the application appName, or NULL if appName isn't in one of Workspace Manager's application directories. The returned string is valid until the next message to a Speaker object; the application must copy it if it must be retained. |
getIconForFile: |
- (NXImage *)getIconForFile:(const char *)fullPath |
Returns a newly allocated NXImage with the icon for the single file specified by fullPath, or nil if there is an error.
See also: - getInfoForFile:application:type: |
getInfoForFile:application:type: |
- (BOOL)getInfoForFile:(const char *)fullPath |
application:(char **)appName type:(NXAtom *)type |
Retrieves information about the file specified by fullPath. After invoking this method, the string pointed to by appName is set to the application Workspace Manager would use to open fullPath. This string should be freed by the caller. The NXAtom pointed to by type will contain one of the following values or a file name extension such as "rtf" indicating the file's type: |
Value | fullPath is a: | |
NXPlainFileType | plain (untyped) file | |
NXDirectoryFileType | directory | |
NXApplicationFileType | NEXTSTEP application | |
NXFilesystemFileType | file system mount point | |
NXShellCommandFileType | executable shell command |
Returns YES upon success, NO otherwise.
See also: - getIconForFile: |
getInfoForFileSystemAt:isRemovable:isWritable:isUnmountable: |
description:type: |
- (BOOL)getInfoForFileSystemAt:(const char *)fullPath |
isRemovable:(BOOL *)removableFlag isWritable:(BOOL *)writableFlag isUnmountable:(BOOL *)unmountableFlag description:(char **)description type:(char **)fileSystemType |
Describes the file system at fullPath. Returns YES if fullPath is a file system mount point, or NO if it isn't. Upon success, description will describe the file system; this value can be used in strings, but it shouldn't be depended upon by program logic. Example values for description are "hard", "nfs", and "foreign". fileSystemType will indicate the file system type; values could be "NeXT", "DOS", or other values. |
getMountedRemovableMedia: |
- (BOOL)getMountedRemovableMedia:(char **)pathnames |
Asks the Workspace Manager for the pathnames of all currently mounted removable disks, and returns whether the query was successful. Returns YES if it was successful in filling in pathnames and NO otherwise. pathnames is a pointer to a null-terminated, tab-separated list of full pathnames.
If the computer provides an interrupt or other notification when the user inserts a disk into a drive, the Workspace Manager will mount the disk immediately. However, if no notification is given, the Workspace Manager won't be aware that a disk needs to be mounted. On such systems, an application should invoke either mountNewRemovableMedia: or checkForRemovableMedia before invoking getMountedRemovableMedia:. Either of these methods cause the Workspace Manager to poll the drives to see if a disk is present. If a disk has been inserted but not yet mounted, these methods will cause the Workspace Manager to mount it. The Disk button in an Open or Save panel invokes getMountedRemovableMedia: and mountNewRemovableMedia: as part of its operation, so most application won't need to invoke these methods directly. See also: - mountNewRemovableMedia:, - checkForRemovableMedia |
hideOtherApplications |
- (void)hideOtherApplications |
Hides all applications other than the sender. (Since the user can cause the same effect by Command-double-clicking on an application's tile, a programmatic invocation of this method is usually unnecessary.) |
launchApplication: |
- (BOOL)launchApplication:(const char *)appName |
Instructs Workspace Manager to launch the application appName. appName need not be specified with a full path and, in the case of an application wrapper, can be specified with or without the ".app" extension. Returns YES if the application is successfully launched or already running, and NO if it can't be launched.
See also: - launchApplication:showTile:autolaunch: |
launchApplication:showTile:autolaunch: |
- (BOOL)launchApplication:(const char *)appName |
showTile:(BOOL)showTile autolaunch:(BOOL)autolaunch |
Instructs Workspace Manager to launch the application appName. If showTile is NO, Workspace Manager won't display a tile for the application. (The tile will exist, but it won't be placed on the screen.) If autolaunch is YES, the NXAutoLaunch command line default will be set as though the application were autolaunched from the dock. This method is provided to enable daemon-like apps that lack a normal user interface and for use by alternative dock programs. Its use is not generally encouraged.
Returns YES if the application is successfully launched or already running, and NO if it can't be launched. See also: - launchApplication: |
mountNewRemovableMedia: |
- (BOOL)mountNewRemovableMedia:(char **)newPaths |
Causes the Workspace Manager to poll the system's drives for any disks that have been inserted but not yet mounted. mountNewRemovableMedia: waits until the new disks have been mounted and then fills in newPaths with a zero-terminated, tab-separated list of full pathnames to all newly mounted disks. This method returns YES if it was successful in filling in newPaths and NO otherwise.
See also: - getMountedRemovableMedia:, - checkForRemovableMedia |
openFile: |
- (BOOL)openFile:(const char *)fullPath |
Instructs Workspace Manager to open the file specified by fullPath using the default application for its type. The sending application is deactivated before the request is sent. Returns YES if the file is successfully opened, and NO otherwise.
See also: - openFile:withApplication:andDeactivate:, - openTempFile: |
openFile:fromImage:at:inView: |
- (BOOL)openFile:(const char *)fullPath |
fromImage:(NXImage *)anImage at:(const NXPoint *)point inView:(View *)aView |
Instructs Workspace Manager to open the file specified by fullPath using the default application for its type. Before opening the file, Workspace Manager will provide animation to give the user feedback that the file is to be opened. To provide this animation, anImage should contain an icon for the file, and its image should be displayed at point, specified in aView's coordinates.
The sending application is deactivated before the request is sent. Returns YES if the file is successfully opened, and NO otherwise. See also: - openFile:withApplication:andDeactivate: |
openFile:withApplication: |
- (BOOL)openFile:(const char *)fullPath withApplication:(const char *)appName |
Instructs Workspace Manager to open the file specified by fullPath using the appName application. appName need not be specified with a full path and, in the case of an application wrapper, can be specified with or without the ".app" extension. The sending application is deactivated before the request is sent. Returns YES if the file is successfully opened, and NO otherwise.
See also: - openFile:withApplication:andDeactivate: |
openFile:withApplication:andDeactivate: |
- (BOOL)openFile:(const char *)fullPath |
withApplication:(const char *)appName andDeactivate:(BOOL)flag |
Instructs Workspace Manager to open the file specified by fullPath using the appName application. appName need not be specified with a full path and, in the case of an application wrapper, can be specified with or without the ".app" extension. If appName is NULL, the default application for the file's type is used. If flag is YES, the sending application is deactivated before the request is sent, allowing the opening application to become the active application. Returns YES if the file is successfully opened, and NO otherwise.
See also: - app:openFile:type: (Application delegate) |
openTempFile: |
- (BOOL)openTempFile:(const char *)fullPath |
Instructs Workspace Manager to open the temporary file specified by fullPath using the default application for its type. The sending application is deactivated before the request is sent. Using this method instead of one of the openFile:... methods lets the receiving application know that it should delete the file when it no longer needs it. Returns YES if the file is successfully opened, and NO otherwise.
See also: - openFile:withApplication:andDeactivate: |
performFileOperation:source:destination:files:options: |
- (int)performFileOperation:(const char *)operation |
source:(const char *)source destination:(const char *)destination files:(const char *)files options:(const char *)options |
Requests the Workspace Manager to perform some file operation, such as compressing or moving files. The files to be manipulated are located in the source directory; their names are specified relative to this directory and are listed in files. If more than one file is listed, their names must be tab-separated. The list can contain both files and directories; all of them must be located directly within source (not in one of its subdirectories).
Some operations--such as moving, copying, and linking files--require a destination directory to be specified. If not, destination should be the empty string (""). The options argument is currently ignored. It's reserved for future enhancements. The permissible values for operation are as follows: |
Operation | Meaning | |
WSM_MOVE_OPERATION | Move file to destination | |
WSM_COPY_OPERATION | Copy file to destination | |
WSM_LINK_OPERATION | Create link to file in destination | |
WSM_COMPRESS_OPERATION | Compress file | |
WSM_DECOMPRESS_OPERATION | Decompress file | |
WSM_ENCRYPT_OPERATION | Encrypt file | |
WSM_DECRYPT_OPERATION | Decrypt file | |
WSM_DESTROY_OPERATION | Destroy file | |
WSM_RECYCLE_OPERATION | Move file to recycler | |
WSM_DUPLICATE_OPERATION | Duplicate file in source directory |
Note: WSM_ENCRYPT_OPERATION and WSM_DECRYPT_OPERATION might not be available on all systems.
This method returns a negative integer if the operation fails, 0 if the operation is performed synchronously and succeeds, and a positive integer if the operation is performed asynchronously. The positive integer is a tag that identifies the requested file operation. When the operation is completed, the delegate of the Application object is informed in an app:fileOperationCompleted: message. The tag is passed as the second argument in the message. |
selectFile:inFileViewerRootedAt: |
- (BOOL)selectFile:(const char *)fullPath |
inFileViewerRootedAt:(const char *)rootFullpath |
Instructs Workspace Manager to select the file specified by fullPath. If a path is specified by rootFullpath, a new file viewer is opened. If rootFullpath is an empty string (""), the file is selected in the main viewer. Returns YES if the file is successfully selected, and NO otherwise. |
slideImage:from:to: |
- (void)slideImage:(NXImage *)image |
from:(const NXPoint *)fromPoint to:(const NXPoint *)toPoint |
Instructs Workspace Manager to animate a sliding image of image from fromPoint to toPoint, specified in screen coordinates. |
unmountAndEjectDeviceAt: |
- (BOOL)unmountAndEjectDeviceAt:(const char *)path |
Unmounts and ejects the device at path. Returns YES if the device is successfully unmounted or path is badly formed; returns NO otherwise. |