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Inherits From: Object
Declared In: objc/List.h

Class Description

A List is a collection of objects.  The class provides an interface that permits easy manipulation of the collection as a fixed or variable-sized list, a set, or an ordered collection.  Lists are implemented as arrays to allow fast random access using an index. Indices start at 0.

A List array contains object ids.  An object isn't copied when it's added to a List; only its id is.  There are no empty slots within the array.  nil objects can't be inserted in a List, and the collection is contracted to close the empty space when an object is removed.

A List grows dynamically when new objects are added.  The default mechanism automatically doubles the capacity of the List when it becomes full, thus ensuring an average constant time for insertions, independent of the size of the List.

For manipulating sets of structures that aren't objects, see the Storage class.

Instance Variables

id *dataPtr;

unsigned int numElements;

unsigned int maxElements;

dataPtr The data managed by the List object (the array of objects).
numElements The actual number of objects in the array.
maxElements The total number of objects that can fit in currently allocated memory.

Method Types

Initializing a new List object init
Copying and freeing a List copyFromZone:
Manipulating objects by index insertObject:at:
Manipulating objects by id addObject:
Comparing and combining Lists
Emptying a List empty
Sending messages to the objects
Managing the storage capacity capacity
Archiving read:

Instance Methods


Inserts anObject at the end of the List, and returns self.  However, if anObject is nil, nothing is inserted and nil is returned.

See also:  insertObject:at:, appendList:


Inserts anObject at the end of the List and returns self, provided that anObject isn't already in the List.  If anObject is in the List, it won't be inserted, but self is still returned.

If anObject is nil, nothing is inserted and nil is returned.

See also:  insertObject:at:

appendList:(List *)otherList

Inserts all the objects in otherList at the end of the receiving List, and returns self.  The ordering of the objects is maintained.

See also:  addObject:

(unsigned int)capacity

Returns the maximum number of objects that can be stored in the List without allocating more memory for it.  When new memory is allocated, it's taken from the same zone that was specified when the List was created.

See also:  count, setAvailableCapacity:

copyFromZone:(NXZone *)zone

Returns a new List object with the same contents as the receiver.  The objects in the List aren't copied; therefore, both Lists contain pointers to the same set of objects.  Memory for the new List is allocated from zone.

See also:  copy (Object)

(unsigned int)count

Returns the number of objects currently in the List.

See also:  capacity


Empties the List of all its objects without freeing them, and returns self.  The current capacity of the List isn't changed.

See also:  freeObjects


Deallocates the List object and the memory it allocated for the array of object ids.  However, the objects themselves aren't freed.

See also:  freeObjects


Removes every object from the List, sends each one of them a free message, and returns self.  The List object itself isn't freed and its current capacity isn't altered.

The methods that free the objects shouldn't have the side effect of modifying the List.

See also:  empty

(unsigned int)indexOf:anObject

Returns the index of the first occurrence of anObject in the List, or NX_NOT_IN_LIST if anObject isn't in the List.


Initializes the receiver, a new List object, but doesn't allocate any memory for its array of object ids.  It's initial capacity will be 0.  Minimal amounts of memory will be allocated when objects are added to the List.  Or an initial capacity can be set, before objects are added, using the setAvailableCapacity: method.  Returns self.

See also:  initCount:, setAvailableCapacity:

initCount:(unsigned int)numSlots

Initializes the receiver, a new List object, by allocating enough memory for it to hold numSlots objects.  Returns self.

This method is the designated initializer for the class.  It should be used immediately after memory for the List has been allocated and before any objects have been assigned to it; it shouldn't be used to reinitialize a List that's already in use.

See also:  capacity

insertObject:anObject at:(unsigned int)index

Inserts anObject into the List at index, moving objects down one slot to make room.  If index equals the value returned by the count method, anObject is inserted at the end of the List.  However, the insertion fails if index is greater than the value returned by count or anObject is nil.

If anObject is successfully inserted into the List, this method returns self.  If not, it returns nil.

See also:  count, addObject:


Compares the receiving List to anObject.  If anObject is a List with exactly the same contents as the receiver, this method returns YES.  If not, it returns NO.

Two Lists have the same contents if they each hold the same number of objects and the ids in each List are identical and occur in the same order.


Returns the last object in the List, or nil if there are no objects in the List.  This method doesn't remove the object that's returned.

See also:  removeLastObject


Sends an aSelector message to each object in the List in reverse order (starting with the last object and continuing backwards through the List to the first object), and returns self.  The aSelector method must be one that takes no arguments.  It shouldn't have the side effect of modifying the List.

makeObjectsPerform:(SEL)aSelector with:anObject

Sends an aSelector message to each object in the List in reverse order (starting with the last object and continuing backwards through the List to the first object), and returns self.  The message is sent each time with anObject as an argument, so the aSelector method must be one that takes a single argument of type id.  The aSelector method shouldn't, as a side effect, modify the List.

objectAt:(unsigned int)index

Returns the id of the object located at slot index, or nil if index is beyond the end of the List.

See also:  count

read:(NXTypedStream *)stream

Reads the List and all the objects it contains from the typed stream stream.

See also:  write:


Removes the object occupying the last position in the List and returns it.  If there are no objects in the List, this method returns nil.

See also:  lastObject, removeObjectAt:


Removes the first occurrence of anObject from the List, and returns it.  If anObject isn't in the List, this method returns nil.

The positions of the remaining objects in the List are adjusted so there's no gap.

See also:  removeLastObject, removeObjectAt:

removeObjectAt:(unsigned int)index

Removes the object located at index and returns it.  If there's no object at index, this method returns nil.

The positions of the remaining objects in the List are adjusted so there's no gap.

See also:  removeLastObject, removeObject:

replaceObject:anObject with:newObject

Replaces the first occurrence of anObject in the List with newObject, and returns anObject.  However, if newObject is nil or anObject isn't in the List, nothing is replaced and nil is returned.

See also:  replaceObjectAt:with:

replaceObjectAt:(unsigned int)index with:newObject

Returns the object at index after replacing it with newObject.  If there's no object at index or newObject is nil, nothing is replaced and nil is returned.

See also:  replaceObject:with:

setAvailableCapacity:(unsigned int)numSlots

Sets the storage capacity of the List to at least numSlots objects and returns self.  However, if the List already contains more than numSlots objects (if the count method returns a number greater than numSlots), its capacity is left unchanged and nil is returned.

See also:  capacity, count

write:(NXTypedStream *)stream

Writes the List, including all the objects it contains, to the typed stream stream.

See also:  read: