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Adopted By: IBInspector
Declared In: apps/InterfaceBuilder.h

Protocol Description

The IBInspectors protocol declares the three methods that all inspectors in Interface Builder must implement: ok:, revert:, and wantsButtons.  Since you invariably create an inspector by creating a subclass of IBInspector--a class that adopts the IBInspectors protocol--your inspector will inherit default implementations of these methods, which you can override.

Instance Methods


Implement in your subclass of IBInspector to commit the changes that the user makes in the Inspector panel.  The OK button in the Inspector panel--if present--sends an ok: message when the user clicks it.

Your implementation of this method must send the same message to super:

/* your code to commit changes */
[super ok:sender];
return self;

The message to super replaces the broken "X" in the panel's close box with the standard "X", indicating that the changes have been committed.

See also:  revert:, touch: (IBInspector class)


Implement in your subclass of IBInspector to load data into the inspector's display.  Interface Builder sends this message to the inspector object whenever the inspector's display might need to be updated, for example, when the user opens the Inspector panel and the selected object in Interface Builder is of the type associated with this inspector object.  The Revert button in the Inspector panel--if present--also sends a revert: message when the user clicks it.

Your subclass must implement this method, and it must send the same message to super as part of its implementation:

/* your code to inspect selected object */
[super revert:sender];
return self;

This message to super replaces the broken "X" in the panel's close box with the standard "X", indicating that the changes have been discarded.

See also:  ok:, touch: (IBInspector class)


Returns a boolean value indicating whether the inspector object requires Interface Builder to display the OK and Revert buttons in the Inspector panel.

See also:  wantsButtons (IBInspector class)