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Inherits From: Object
Declared In: machkit/NXNetNameServer.h

Class Description

This class provides an object-oriented interface to the Network Name Server.  It can be useful for making NXPort objects (which correspond to Mach ports) available over the network, and for accessing those ports from other applications.

Instance Variables

None declared in this class.

Method Types

Making a port available + checkInPort:withName:
Removing a port + checkOutPort:withName:
Getting ports + lookUpPortWithName:
+ lookUpPortWithName:onHost:

Class Methods

+ checkInPort:(NXPort *)port withName:(const char *)aName

Makes the NXPort object port available with the name aName.  Returns self if the port is successfully checked in, nil otherwise.

+ checkOutPortWithName:(const char *)name

Removes the port identified by name from the Network Name Server; the port can be removed only by the application that checked it in.  Returns self if the port is successfully removed, nil otherwise.

+ (NXPort *)lookUpPortWithName:(const char *)name

Returns an NXPort object for the port registered (via the Network Name Server) on the local machine under the name name, or nil upon failure.

+ (NXPort *)lookUpPortWithName:(const char *)name onHost:(const char *)hostName

Returns an NXPort object for the port registered (via the Network Name Server) on host hostName under the name name, or nil upon failure.  If hostName is "*" the search will be conducted for each host on the subnet, although this might take a bit of time.