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N3DIntersectLinePlane() |
SUMMARY Returns a point representing the intersection of a line segment and a plane
DECLARED IN 3Dkit/next3d.h SYNOPSIS void N3DIntersectLinePlane(RtPoint *endPoints, RtPoint planeNormal, RtPoint planePoint, RtPoint *intersection) DESCRIPTION This function accepts two points defining a line segment and two points defining a plane. It calculates and returns by reference the point where the line and the plane intersect. |
endPoints is an array of two points defining the line. planeNormal and planePoint are two points that define a vector normal (perpendicular) to the plane. planePoint is on the plane itself, planeNormal is a point in space. The line segment between planePoint and planeNormal is perpendicular to (and thus defines) the plane whose intersection is being tested.
This method treats endPoints as the two points defining a line and tests for the intersection of that line with the plane. Thus intersection doesn't necessarily represent a point between the points in endPoints. |
RETURN N3DIntersectLinePlane() returns in intersection the point where the line defined by endPoints intersects the plane defined by planeNormal and planePoint. If the line and plane are parallel, this function returns NaN for all three values of intersection. |
N3DInvertMatrix(), N3DMultiplyMatrix() |
SUMMARY Perform standard matrix manipulations
DECLARED IN 3Dkit/next3d.h SYNOPSIS void N3DMultiplyMatrix(RtMatrix preTransform, RtMatrix postTransform, RtMatrix resultTransform) |
float N3DInvertMatrix(RtMatrix theTransform, RtMatrix theInverse) |
DESCRIPTION N3DMultiplyMatrix() accepts a preTransform matrix, a postTransform matrix, and a resultTransform matrix. It multiplies preTransform by postTransform and returns the resulting matrix. |
N3DInvertMatrix() accepts theTransform matrix and returns its inverse. |
RETURN N3DMultiplyMatrix() returns the product of preTransform and postTransform in resultTransform. |
N3DInvertMatrix() returns the determinant of the matrix and, by reference, the inverse of theTransform in inverseTransform. |
N3DMultiplyMatrix() ![]() |
N3DMult3DPoint(), N3DMult3DPoints() |
SUMMARY Transform points between coordinate systems
DECLARED IN 3Dkit/next3d.h SYNOPSIS void N3DMult3DPoint(RtPoint thePoint, RtMatrix theTransform, RtPoint newPoint) |
void N3DMult3DPoints(RtPoint *thePoints, int pointCount, RtMatrix theTransform, RtPoint *newPoints) |
DESCRIPTION These functions transform a 3D point or array of 3D points to the coordinate system represented by a 3D matrix. |
N3DMult3DPoint() accepts thePoint, a single point; theTransform, a matrix by which to multiply this point; and newPoint, a point in which to place the result.
N3DMult3DPoints() accepts thePoints, an array of points; pointCount, the number of points in the array; theTransform, a matrix by which to multiply thePoints; and newPoints, an array of points in which to place the results. |
RETURN N3DMult3DPoint() returns by reference in newPoint the transformation of thePoint from its coordinate system to the coordinate system represented by theTransform. |
N3DMult3DPoints() returns by reference in newPoints the transformation of thePoint from its coordinate system to the coordinate system represented by theTransform.
N3D_ConvertBoundToPoints(), N3D_ConvertPointsToBound() |
SUMMARY Convert between bounding boxes and points
DECLARED IN 3Dkit/next3d.h SYNOPSIS void N3D_ConvertBoundToPoints(RtBound theBound, RtPoint *thePoints) |
void N3D_ConvertPointsToBound(RtPoint *thePoints, RtBound theBound) |
DESCRIPTION These macros convert between the RtBound and RtPoint data types. theBound is a three-dimensional bounding box; thePoints is an array of two points.
RETURN N3D_ConvertBoundToPoints() returns in thePoints[0] the origin of theBound and in thePoints[1] the extent of theBound. |
N3D_ConvertPointsToBound() returns in theBound a bounding box whose origin is at thePoints[0] and whose extent is at thePoints[1]. |
N3D_ConvertPointsToBound() ![]() |
N3D_CopyBound(), N3D_CopyMatrix(), N3D_CopyPoint() |
SUMMARY Copy data from one 3D data structure to another
DECLARED IN 3Dkit/next3d.h SYNOPSIS void N3D_CopyBound(RtBound sourceBounds, RtBound destBounds) |
void N3D_CopyMatrix(RtMatrix sourceMatrix, RtMatrix destMatrix) void N3D_CopyPoint(RtPoint sourcePoint, RtPoint destPoint) |
DESCRIPTION These macros efficiently copy the contents of one 3D data structure to another.
RETURN N3D_CopyBound() returns, in destBound, a copy of the values in sourceBound. |
N3D_CopyMatrix() returns, in destMatrix, a copy of the values in sourceMatrix.
N3D_CopyPoint() returns, in destPoint, a copy of the values in sourcePoint. |
N3D_CopyMatrix() ![]() N3D_CopyPoint() N3D_WComp() |
N3D_XComp(), N3D_YComp(), N3D_ZComp(), N3D_WComp() |
SUMMARY Returns the components of a 3D data structure
DECLARED IN 3Dkit/next3d.h SYNOPSIS RtFloat N3D_XComp(RtFloat *theVector) |
RtFloat N3D_YComp(RtFloat *theVector) RtFloat N3D_ZComp(RtFloat *theVector) RtFloat N3D_WComp(RtFloat *theVector) |
DESCRIPTION These macros return the components of a 3D point or submatrix. |
If theVector is an RtPoint type, use the macros N3D_XComp(), N3D_YComp(), and N3D_ZComp() to retrieve its elements.
If theVector is a row in an RtMatrix (for example, myMatrix[2]), use N3D_XComp(), N3D_YComp(), N3D_ZComp(), and N3D_WComp() to retrieve its elements. |
RETURN N3D_XComp() returns the x-component of theVector. |
N3D_YComp() returns the y-component of theVector.
N3D_ZComp() returns the z-component of theVector. N3D_WComp() returns the w-component of theVector. |
N3D_YComp() ![]() N3D_ZComp() |