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Inherits From: IODirectDevice : IODevice : Object
Conforms To: IOSCSIControllerExported
Declared In: driverkit/IOSCSIController.h

Class Description

IOSCSIController is an abstract class for managing SCSI controllers. It provides a framework for making SCSI requests and providing standard statistics. It also provides an I/O thread.

Implementing a Subclass

To write a driver for a SCSI controller, you create a subclass of IOSCSIController. Your subclass must do the following:

Implement probe: (as documented in IODevice) and initFromDeviceDescription:. These let your driver create instances of itself.
Implement executeRequest:buffer:client: and resetSCSIBus.
Implement timeouts, as described in "Implementing Timeouts," below.
Implement interruptOccurred, as documented in IODirectDevice.

To support standard statistics, you should implement sumQueueLengths, maxQueueLength, numQueueSamples, and resetStats, as described in "Supporting Standard Statistics," below.

Implementing Timeouts

To implement timeouts, you need to implement the timeoutOccurred: method (as documented in IODirectDevice) and make sure that your driver sends a timeout message whenever a request has taken too much time. To do the latter, your executeRequest:buffer:client: method should use IOScheduleFunc() to schedule a function; the method should then start I/O. If the I/O finishes before the function has executed, executeRequest:buffer:client: should unschedule the function. Otherwise, the function should send a timeout message (one with a msg_id field set to IO_TIMEOUT_MSG) to the instance's interrupt port.   An example is below. Italicized text delineated in angle brackets, that is << >>, is to be filled in with device-specific code.

In executeRequest:buffer:client:
<< ...Construct a device-dependent command buffer "ccb"...
Since the function we schedule won't be called from the I/O
task, it must use msg_send_from_kernel.  This means that we
must convert the interrupt port from the I/O task space to one
that's valid in the regular kernel space.  We do this in
initFromDeviceDescription: as follows:
interruptPortKern = IOConvertPort([self interruptPort],
IO_KernelIOTask,  IO_Kernel); >>
ccb->timeoutPort = interruptPortKern;
IOScheduleFunc(myTimeout, ccb, scsiRequest->timeoutLength);
<< ...Start the I/O and wait for it to finish... >>
(void) IOUnscheduleFunc(myTimeout, ccb);

/* This method just logs a warning and sends a timeout message. */
static void myTimeout(void *arg)
struct ccb    *ccb = arg;
msg_header_t   msg;

if(!ccb->in_use) {
/* Race condition - this CCB got completed another way. */

msg.msg_remote_port = ccb->timeoutPort;
msg.msg_id = IO_TIMEOUT_MSG;
IOLog("mySCSIController timeout\n");
(void) msg_send_from_kernel(&msg, MSG_OPTION_NONE, 0);

Supporting Standard Statistics

Subclasses of IOSCSIController can provide information used by the iostat command and any other statistics-gathering modules. To provide this information, the IOSCSIController must look at the number of requests in its queue of I/O requests, keeping track of the following:

The total number of requests detected in the queue. The IOSCSIController should implement sumQueueLengths so that it returns this value.
The highest number of requests in the queue at one time. This value should be returned by maxQueueLength.
The number of times the driver has looked at the queue. The numQueueSamples method should return this value.

For example, assume the IOSCSIController has looked at its list of outstanding I/O requests three times, and found 1 request the first time, 5 the second, and 2 the third. At this point, sumQueueLengths should return 8, maxQueueLength should return 5, and numQueueSamples should return 3. The average number of requests in the list is sumQueueLengths divided by numQueueSamples.

The IOSCSIController should reset all these values to 0 whenever it receives a resetStats message.

Instance Variables

None declared in this class.

Adopted Protocols

IOSCSIControllerExported allocateBufferOfLength:actualStart:actualLength:

Method Types

Initializing a newly allocated IOSCSIController
Reserving target/lun pairs numReserved
Getting and setting parameters getIntValues:forParameter:count:
Collecting statistics maxQueueLength

Instance Methods

(IOReturn)getIntValues:(unsigned int *)parameterArray
count:(unsigned int *)count

Handles the two parameters specific to SCSI controllers--IO_SCSI_CONTROLLER_STATS and IO_IS_A_SCSI_CONTROLLER--and forwards the handling of all other parameters to super. The array of values returned for IO_SCSI_CONTROLLER_STATS is set to the numbers returned by maxQueueLength, numQueueSamples, and sumQueueLengths. No array is returned for IO_IS_A_SCSI_CONTROLLER; only IO_R_SUCCESS is returned, to indicate that this IODevice is indeed a SCSI controller.

See also:  setIntValues:forParameter:count:


Initializes a new IOSCSIController instance. After invoking IODirectDevice's version of initFromDeviceDescription:, this method starts an I/O thread (with startIOThread) and sets its unit, name, and device kind. Each IOSCSIController has its own unit number. The first instance's unit is 0, the second is 1, and so on. The name is the concatenation of "sc" and the unit (for example, "sc0"), and the device kind is "sc".

This method also determines the alignment restrictions for the hardware, using the getDMAAlignment: method. The alignment restrictions are used by the method allocateBufferOfLength:actualStart:actualLength:.

This method returns nil and frees the instance if initialization failed; otherwise, it returns self.

You should implement this method to invoke IOSCSIController's version and to then perform any driver-dependent initialization, including initializing the hardware and (at the very end) invoking registerDevice.

(unsigned int)maxQueueLength

Returns zero. Subclasses that support standard statistics should implement this method so that it returns the highest number of requests queued since this instance was initialized or resetStats was last called. See the class description for more information on supporting standard statistics.

(unsigned int)numQueueSamples

Returns zero. Subclasses that support standard statistics should implement this method so that it returns the number of times the instance has collected information about its queue of I/O requests. This number should be reset to 0 when this instance is initialized and when resetStats is called. See the class description for more information on supporting standard statistics.

(unsigned int)numReserved

Returns the number of target/lun pairs that are reserved. Each pair corresponds to an active device on the SCSI bus that this instance controls.

See also:  reserveTarget:lun:forOwner: and releaseTarget:lun:forOwner: (IOSCSIControllerExported protocol)


Does nothing. Subclasses that support standard statistics should implement this method so that it resets to zero the numbers that are returned by maxQueueLength, numQueueSamples, and sumQueueLengths. See the class description for more information on supporting standard statistics.

(IOReturn)setIntValues:(unsigned int *)parameterArray
count:(unsigned int)count

Handles the IO_SCSI_CONTROLLER_STATS parameter, forwarding the handling of all other parameters to super. The IO_SCSI_CONTROLLER_STATS parameter resets (using resetStats) the standard statistical data kept by this instance.

See also:  getIntValues:forParameter:count:

(unsigned int)sumQueueLengths

Returns zero. Subclasses that support standard statistics should implement this method so that it returns the total number of requests detected in its queue of I/O requests. This number should be reset to 0 when this instance is initialized and when resetStats is called. See the class description for more information on supporting standard statistics.