Copyright ©1995 by NeXT Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
inb(), inw(), inl(), outb(), outw(), outl() |
SUMMARY Read or write data to an I/O port
DECLARED IN driverkit/i386/ioPorts.h SYNOPSIS unsigned char inb(unsigned int address) |
unsigned short inw(unsigned int address) unsigned long inl(unsigned int address) void outb(unsigned int address, unsigned char data) void outw(unsigned int address, unsigned short data) void outl(unsigned int address, unsigned long data) |
DESCRIPTION These inline functions let drivers read and write I/O ports on Intel-based computers. Use inb() to read a byte at the I/O port address. Use inw() to read the two bytes at address and address + 1, and inl() to read four bytes starting at address. To write a byte, use outb(); to write two bytes (to address and address + 1), use outw(); to write four bytes, use outl(). |
These functions have nothing to do with main memory; they work only for the 64 kilobytes of I/O address space on an Intel-based computer. These functions use the special machine instructions that are necessary for reading and writing data from and to the I/O space.
Note: These functions work only at kernel level and only on Intel-based computers. |
EXAMPLE temp_cr = inb(base+CR); /* get current CR value */ |
IOAddDDMEntry() |
SUMMARY Add one entry to the Driver Debugging Module
DECLARED IN driverkit/debugging.h SYNOPSIS void IOAddDDMEntry(char *format, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, int arg4, int arg5) DESCRIPTION This is the exported function that is used to add events to the DDM's circular buffer. However, drivers typically don't use this directly; instead, they should use macros that call IOAddDDMEntry() conditionally based on the current state of debugging flags. See the description of IODEBUG() for examples. |
Note: The last 5 arguments to this function are typed above as int, but they are really untyped and could be any 32-bit quantity. They are stored in the debugging log as int but are eventually evaluated as arguments to sprintf(), so they could be int, char, short, or pointers to a string. See IOCopyString(), later in this section, for information on passing string pointers to IOAddDDMEntry(). |
IOAddToBdevsw(), IOAddToCdevsw(), IOAddToVfssw() |
SUMMARY Add UNIX-style entry points to a device switch table
DECLARED IN driverkit/devsw.h SYNOPSIS int IOAddToBdevsw(IOSwitchFunc openFunc, IOSwitchFunc closeFunc, IOSwitchFunc strategyFunc, IOSwitchFunc dumpFunc, IOSwitchFunc psizeFunc, BOOL isTape) |
int IOAddToCdevsw(IOSwitchFunc openFunc, IOSwitchFunc closeFunc, IOSwitchFunc readFunc, IOSwitchFunc writeFunc, IOSwitchFunc ioctlFunc, IOSwitchFunc stopFunc, IOSwitchFunc resetFunc, IOSwitchFunc selectFunc, IOSwitchFunc mmapFunc, IOSwitchFunc getcFunc, IOSwitchFunc putcFunc) int IOAddToVfssw(const char *vfsswName, const struct vfsops *vfsswOps) |
DESCRIPTION These functions find a free row in a device switch table and add the specified entry points. Each function returns the major number (equivalent to the row number) for the device, or -1 if the device couldn't be added to the table. |
Note: You should use IODevice's addToBdevsw... and addToCdevsw... methods instead of IOAddToBdevsw() and IOAddToCdevsw(), whenever possible. |
SEE ALSO IORemoveFromBdevsw(), IORemoveFromCdevsw(), IORemoveFromVfssw() |
IOAlign() |
SUMMARY Truncate an address so that it's aligned to a buffer size
DECLARED IN driverkit/align.h SYNOPSIS type IOAlign(type, address, bufferSize) DESCRIPTION This macro truncates address to a multiple of bufferSize. SEE ALSO IOIsAligned() |
IOClearDDM() |
SUMMARY Clear the Driver Debugging Module's entries
DECLARED IN driverkit/debugging.h SYNOPSIS void IOClearDDM() DESCRIPTION This function empties the DDM's circular buffer. |
IOConvertPort() |
SUMMARY Convert a port name from one IPC space to another
DECLARED IN driverkit/kernelDriver.h SYNOPSIS port_t IOConvertPort(port_t port, IOIPCSpace from, IOIPCSpace to) DESCRIPTION This function lets a kernel driver convert a port name (port) so that the port can be used in a different IPC space. Three types of conversion are supported: |
![]() |
From the current task's IPC space to the kernel I/O task's space | |
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From the kernel's IPC space to the kernel I/O task's space | |
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From the kernel I/O task's IPC space to kernel's IPC space |
The arguments from and to should each be specified as one of the following: IO_Kernel, IO_KernelIOTask, or IO_CurrentTask. For example, the following code converts a port name from the current task's name to the name used by the kernel I/O task. |
ioTaskPort = IOConvertPort(aPort, IO_CurrentTask, IO_KernelIOTask);
Note: This function works only in kernel-level drivers. |
RETURN Returns the port's name in the to space. Specifying an invalid conversion results in a return value of PORT_NULL. |
IOCopyMemory() |
SUMMARY Copy memory using the specified transfer width
DECLARED IN driverkit/generalFuncs.h SYNOPSIS void IOCopyMemory(void *from, void *to, unsigned int numBytes, |
![]() |
DESCRIPTION Copies memory 1, 2, or 4 bytes at a time (as specified by bytesPerTransfer) until numBytes bytes starting at from have been copied to to. The from and to buffers must not overlap. |
This function is useful when devices have mapped memory that can be accessed in only 8-bit or 16-bit quantities. In these situations, bcopy() isn't appropriate, since it assumes 32-bit access to all memory involved.
If from is not aligned on a bytesPerTransfer boundary, IOCopyMemory() performs 8-bit transfers until it has reached a bytesPerTransfer boundary. Similarly, if the end of the from buffer extends past a bytesPerTransfer boundary, the remaining memory is copied 8 bits at a time.
IOCopyString() |
SUMMARY Return a copy of the specified string
DECLARED IN driverkit/debugging.h SYNOPSIS const char *IOCopyString(const char *instring) DESCRIPTION This function is required when you want to use a pointer to a string whose existence is transitory as an argument. The reason for this is that the string won't be read until the Driver Debugging Module's buffer is examined, which could be a long time (minutes or more) after the call to IOAddDDMEntry(). By then, the string pointer passed to IOAddDDMEntry() no longer might no longer point to a useful string. |
Warning: The string returned by this function is created with IOMalloc() and is never freed. Use this function with discretion.
SUMMARY Conditionally add one entry to the Driver Debugging Module
DECLARED IN driverkit/debugging.h SYNOPSIS void IODEBUG(int index, int mask, char *format, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, int arg4, int arg5) DESCRIPTION This macro is used to add entries to the DDM's circular buffer. The entry is added only if both of the following are true: |
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The C preprocessor flag DDM_DEBUG is defined. | |
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A bitwise and operation performed on mask and IODDMMasks[index] results in a nonzero result. |
IODEBUG() is typically used to define other macros specific to a driver, as shown in the following example. |
EXAMPLE #define MY_INDEX 0 |
#define MY_INPUT 0x00000001 //
#define MY_OUTPUT 0x00000002 //
#define MY_OTHER 0x00000004 //
#define logInput(x, a, b, c, d, e) \
IODEBUG(MY_INDEX, MY_INPUT, x, a, b, c, d, e)
#define logOutput(x, a, b, c, d, e) \
IODEBUG(MY_INDEX, MY_OUTPUT, x, a, b, c, d, e)
#define logOther(x, a, b, c, d, e) \
IODEBUG(MY_INDEX, MY_OTHER, x, a, b, c, d, e)
. . .
. . .
logInput("Input error %d: %s\n", error, IOFindNameForValue(error,
IODelay() |
SUMMARY Wait (without blocking) for the indicated number of microseconds
DECLARED IN driverkit/generalFuncs.h SYNOPSIS void IODelay(unsigned int microseconds) DESCRIPTION This is a quick, nonblocking version of IOSleep(). |
Note: This function guarantees a minimum "spin" delay in the user-level version; due to thread scheduling, the call to IODelay() could take much longer than the indicated time. This should not be a problem with properly designed user-level drivers as this is a common real-time constraint on all user-level code.
IODisableInterrupt() |
SUMMARY Prevent interrupt messages from being sent
DECLARED IN driverkit/IODirectDevice.h SYNOPSIS void IODisableInterrupt(void *identity) DESCRIPTION This function allows handlers of non-shared interrupts to indicate that the interrupt should be left disabled on return from the interrupt handler. |
The identity argument should be set to the value that the interrupt handler received in its own arguments.
Note: IODisableInterrupt() must be called inside a special interrupt handler function. It can't be called from any other context. |
SEE ALSO IOEnableInterrupt(), IOSendInterrupt() |
IOEnableInterrupt() |
SUMMARY Allow interrupt messages to be sent
DECLARED IN driverkit/IODirectDevice.h SYNOPSIS void IOEnableInterrupt(void *identity) DESCRIPTION This function allows interrupt handlers to indicate that the interrupt should be reenabled on return from the interrupt handler. You should only re-enable the interrupt after removing the source of the interrupt--by clearing the interrupt status register on the device, or by using whatever mechanism is necessary for the hardware your driver controls. |
The identity argument should be set to the value that the interrupt handler received in its own arguments.
Note: IOEnableInterrupt() must be called inside a special interrupt handler function. It can't be called from any other context. |
SEE ALSO IODisableInterrupt(), IOSendInterrupt() |
IOExitThread() |
SUMMARY Terminate the execution of the current thread
DECLARED IN driverkit/generalFuncs.h SYNOPSIS volatile void IOExitThread() DESCRIPTION This function terminates the execution of the current (calling) thread. Note that there's no way for one thread to kill another thread other than by sending some kind of message to the soon-to-be-terminated thread instructing it to kill itself. |
Note: In the user-level implementation, the main C thread (the first thread in the task) doesn't exit until all other C threads in the task have exited.
IOFindNameForValue(), IOFindValueForName() |
SUMMARY Convert an integer to a string, or vice versa, using an IONamedValues array
DECLARED IN driverkit/generalFuncs.h SYNOPSIS const char *IOFindNameForValue(int value, const IONamedValues *array) |
IOReturn IOFindValueForName(const char *string, const IONamedValue *array, int *value) |
DESCRIPTION These functions are the primary use of the IONamedValues data type, which maps integer values to strings. IOFindNameForValue() maps a given integer value to a string, given a pointer to an array of IONamedValues. IOFindValueForName() maps a given string into an integer, returning the integer in value. |
One typical use for IOFindNameForValue() is to map integer return values into error strings. IODevice's IOStringFromReturn: method performs this function. A subclass that defines additional IOReturn values should override this method and call [super IOReturnToString:] if the specified value does not match one of the class-specific IOReturns. |
RETURN IOFindNameForValue() returns the string corresponding to value, or a string indicating that value is undefined if the integer wasn't found. IOFindValueForName() returns IO_R_SUCCESS if it finds the specified string; otherwise, it returns IO_R_INVALIDARG. |
IOForkThread() |
SUMMARY Start a new thread
DECLARED IN driverkit/generalFuncs.h SYNOPSIS IOThread IOForkThread(IOThreadFunc function, void *arg) DESCRIPTION This function causes a new thread to be started up. For kernel-level drivers, the new thread is in the IOTask's address space; for user-level drivers, the thread is in the current task. The thread begins execution at function, which is passed arg as its argument. |
IOFree() |
SUMMARY Free memory allocated by IOMalloc()
DECLARED IN driverkit/generalFuncs.h SYNOPSIS void IOFree(void *var, int numBytes) DESCRIPTION This function frees memory allocated by IOMalloc(). |
Note: You must use the same value for numBytes as you used for the call to IOMalloc() that allocated the memory you're now freeing.
IOFreeLow() |
SUMMARY Free memory allocated by IOMallocLow()
DECLARED IN driverkit/i386/kernelDriver.h SYNOPSIS void IOFreeLow(void *var, int numBytes) DESCRIPTION This function frees memory allocated by IOMallocLow(). |
Note: This function works only in kernel-level drivers.
IOGetDDMEntry() |
SUMMARY Obtain an entry from the Driver Debugging Module
DECLARED IN driverkit/debugging.h SYNOPSIS int IOGetDDMEntry(int entry, int outStringSize, char *outString, ns_time_t *timestamp, int *cpuNumber) DESCRIPTION Returns in outString an entry from the DDM. The entry argument should indicate which entry to return, counting backwards from the most recent entry. The timestamp argument is set to a value indicating the time at which the entry was logged. The cpuNumber argument is set to the number of the CPU that the retrieved entry is associated with. RETURN Returns a nonzero value if the specified entry doesn't exist. Otherwise, returns zero. |
IOGetDDMMask() |
SUMMARY Returns the specified bitmask word
DECLARED IN driverkit/debugging.h SYNOPSIS unsigned IOGetDDMMask(int index) DESCRIPTION This is typically not used by drivers; it provides a procedural means of obtaining a specified bitmask value. For performance reasons, the macros that filter and call IOAddDDMEntry() typically read the index words directly (the IODDMMasks array is a global variable). |
IOGetObjectForDeviceName() |
SUMMARY Obtain the id of a kernel device, given its name
DECLARED IN driverkit/kernelDriver.h SYNOPSIS IOReturn IOGetObjectForDeviceName(IOString deviceName, id *deviceId) DESCRIPTION This function provides a simple mapping of device names to objects. Since this is valid only at kernel level, no security mechanism is provided; any kernel code can get the id of any kernel IODevice. |
Note: This function works only in kernel-level drivers. |
RETURN Returns IO_DR_NOT_ATTACHED if deviceName isn't found; otherwise returns IO_R_SUCCESS. |
IOGetTimestamp() |
SUMMARY Obtains a microsecond-accurate current timestamp
DECLARED IN driverkit/generalFuncs.h SYNOPSIS void IOGetTimestamp(ns_time_t *nsp) DESCRIPTION This function obtains a quick, microsecond-accurate, system-wide timestamp. |
IOHostPrivSelf() |
SUMMARY Returns the kernel I/O task's version of the privileged host port
DECLARED IN driverkit/kernelDriver.h SYNOPSIS port_t IOHostPrivSelf() DESCRIPTION This function is necessary because the Mach function host_priv_self() doesn't work at kernel level. |
Note: This function works only in kernel-level drivers. In user-level drivers, use host_priv_self() instead.
IOInitDDM() |
SUMMARY Initialize the Driver Debugging Module
DECLARED IN driverkit/debugging.h SYNOPSIS Kernel level: void IOInitDDM(int numBufs) |
User level: void IOInitDDM(int numBufs, char *serverPortName) |
DESCRIPTION This function must be called once by your driver before calling any other DDM functions. |
IOInitGeneralFuncs() |
SUMMARY Initialize the general-purpose functions
DECLARED IN driverkit/generalFuncs.h SYNOPSIS void IOInitGeneralFuncs() DESCRIPTION Each user-level driver must call IOInitGeneralFuncs() once before calling any other functions declared in the driverkit/generalFuncs.h header file. |
Note: Kernel-level drivers don't need to call this function, because it's automatically called by the kernel.
IOIsAligned() |
SUMMARY Determine whether an address is aligned
DECLARED IN driverkit/align.h SYNOPSIS unsigned int IOIsAligned(address, bufferSize) DESCRIPTION This macro returns a nonzero value if address is a multiple of bufferSize; otherwise, it returns 0. |
IOLog() |
SUMMARY Adds a string to the system log
DECLARED IN driverkit/generalFuncs.h SYNOPSIS void IOLog(const char *format, ...) DESCRIPTION This is the Driver Kit's substitute for printf(); its implementation is similar to syslog(). IOLog() logs the string to /usr/adm/messages by default; you can specify another destination in the configuration file /etc/syslog.conf. The arguments are stdargs, just as for printf(). This function doesn't block on single-processor systems. It runs at level LOG_ERR and its facility is kern. SEE ALSO printf(3) UNIX manual page, syslog(3) UNIX manual page |
IOMalloc() |
SUMMARY Standard memory allocator
DECLARED IN driverkit/generalFuncs.h SYNOPSIS void *IOMalloc(int numBytes) DESCRIPTION This function causes numBytes bytes of memory to be allocated; a pointer to the memory is returned. No guarantees exist as to the alignment or the physical contiguity of the allocated memory, but when IOMalloc() is called at kernel-level, the allocated memory is guaranteed to be wired down. Memory allocated with IOMalloc() should be freed with IOFree(). |
Warning: If no memory is available, IOMalloc() blocks until it can obtain memory. For this reason, you shouldn't call IOMalloc() from a direct interrupt handler.
Drivers that can control (directly or indirectly) disks, network cards, or other devices used by a file system can run into a deadlock situation if they use IOMalloc() during I/O. This deadlock can occur when the pageout daemon attempts to free memory by moving pages out to disk. When the pageout daemon requests this I/O and the driver uses IOMalloc() to request more memory than is available, IOMalloc() blocks. The result is deadlock: the driver can't perform the I/O until memory is freed, and the memory can't be freed by the pageout daemon until the I/O happens. In general, a driver can avoid this deadlock by not allocating large amounts of memory during I/O. For example, allocating less than 100 bytes is safe, but allocating 8K bytes is very unsafe.
IOMallocLow() |
SUMMARY Allocates memory in the low 16MB of the computer's memory range
DECLARED IN driverkit/i386/kernelDriver.h SYNOPSIS void *IOMallocLow(int numBytes) DESCRIPTION This function acts like IOMalloc(), except that the allocated range of memory is guaranteed to be in the low 16MB of system memory and to be physically contiguous. This function is provided because some cards for Intel-based computers must be mapped to low memory. Memory allocated with IOMallocLow() should be freed with IOFreeLow(). |
Note: This function works only in kernel-level drivers running on Intel-based computers.
IOMapPhysicalIntoIOTask |
SUMMARY Map a physical address range into your IOTask's address space
DECLARED IN driverkit/kernelDriver.h SYNOPSIS IOReturn IOMapPhysicalIntoIOTask(unsigned physicalAddress, |
unsigned length, vm_address_t *virtualAddress) |
DESCRIPTION This function maps a range of physical memory into your IOTask. It returns the virtual address at which the range is mapped in the virtualAddress argument. |
Note: This function works only in kernel-level drivers. |
RETURN Returns an error if the specified physical range could not be mapped; otherwise, returns IO_R_SUCCESS.
SEE ALSO IOUnmapPhysicalFromIOTask() |
IONsTimeFromDDMMsg() |
SUMMARY Extracts the time from a Driver Debugging Module message
DECLARED IN driverkit/debuggingMsg.h SYNOPSIS ns_time_t IONsTimeFromDDMMsg(IODDMMsg *msg) DESCRIPTION This inline function combines the timestampHighInt and timestampLowInt fields from msg and returns the result. |
IOPanic() |
SUMMARY Panic or dump memory after logging a string to the console
DECLARED IN driverkit/generalFuncs.h SYNOPSIS void IOPanic(const char *reason) DESCRIPTION The reason argument is logged to the console, after which either a kernel panic (if in kernel space) or a memory dump (if in user space) occurs. |
Note: Use of this function is an extreme measure. Use IOPanic() only when continued execution may cause system corruption.
IOPhysicalFromVirtual() |
SUMMARY Find the physical address corresponding to a virtual address
DECLARED IN driverkit/kernelDriver.h SYNOPSIS IOReturn IOPhysicalFromVirtual(vm_task_t task, vm_address_t virtualAddress, unsigned int *physicalAddress) DESCRIPTION This function gets the physical address (if any) that corresponds to virtualAddress. It returns IO_R_INVALID_ARG if no physical address corresponds to virtualAddress. On success, it returns IO_R_SUCCESS. If virtualAddress is in the current task, then the task argument should be set to IOVmTaskSelf(). This function will never block. Use this function only to find the physical address of wired down memory since the physical address of unwired down memory might change over time. |
Note: This function is available only at kernel level. This function shouldn't be used in a custom interrupt handler--it can't run at the interrupt level.
IOReadRegister(), IOWriteRegister(), IOReadModifyWriteRegister() |
SUMMARY Read or write values of display registers
DECLARED IN driverkit/i386/displayRegisters.h SYNOPSIS unsigned char IOReadRegister( IOEISAPortAddress port, unsigned char index) |
void IOWriteRegister( | IOEISAPortAddress port, | unsigned char index, | unsigned char value) |
void IOReadModifyWriteRegister( | IOEISAPortAddress port, | unsigned char index, | unsigned char protect, | unsigned char | |
value) |
DESCRIPTION These inline functions perform operations commonly used to read or write display registers. IOReadRegister reads and returns the value of the register specified by port and index. IOWriteRegister() writes value to the register specified by port and index. IOReadModifyWriteRegister() reads the specified register, zeroes every bit that isn't set in the protect mask, sets every bit that's set in value, and sets the register to the new value. When the protect mask is zero, the effect is to set the register to value. |
Note: These functions are supported only on Intel-based computers.
IORemoveFromBdevsw(), IORemoveFromCdevsw(), IORemoveFromVfssw() |
SUMMARY Remove UNIX-style entry points from a device switch table
DECLARED IN driverkit/devsw.h SYNOPSIS void IORemoveFromBdevsw(int bdevswNumber) |
void IORemoveFromCdevsw(int cdevswNumber) void IORemoveFromVfssw(int vfsswNumber) |
DESCRIPTION These functions remove a device from a device switch table, replacing it with a null entry. |
Note: You should use IODevice's removeFromBdevsw and removeFromCdevsw methods instead of IORemoveFromBdevsw() and IORemoveFromCdevsw(), whenever possible. |
SEE ALSO IOAddToBdevsw(), IOAddToCdevsw(), IOAddToVfssw() |
IOResumeThread() |
SUMMARY Resume the execution of a thread suspended with IOSuspendThread()
DECLARED IN driverkit/generalFuncs.h SYNOPSIS void IOResumeThread(IOThread thread) DESCRIPTION This function causes the execution of a suspended thread to continue. |
IOScheduleFunc() |
SUMMARY Arrange for the specified function to be called at a certain time in the future
DECLARED IN driverkit/generalFuncs.h SYNOPSIS void IOScheduleFunc(IOThreadFunc function, void *arg, int seconds) DESCRIPTION This function causes function to be called in seconds seconds, with arg as function's argument. The call to function occurs in the context of the caller's task, but in a thread that is unique to the Driver Kit. The call to function can be cancelled with IOUnscheduleFunc(). |
Note: The kernel version of IOScheduleFunc() performs the callback in the kernel task's context, not the I/O Task context. One consequence is that function can't send Mach messages with msg_send(); it needs to use msg_send_from_kernel() instead, as described in Chapter 2.
IOSendInterrupt() |
SUMMARY Arrange for an interrupt message to be sent
DECLARED IN driverkit/IODirectDevice.h SYNOPSIS void IOSendInterrupt(void *identity, void *state, unsigned int msgId) DESCRIPTION This function is useful if you need to handle interrupts directly--for example, because of a timing constraint in the hardware--but don't wish to give up the advantages of interrupt notification by messages. To handle interrupts directly, you must implement the getHandler:level:argument:forInterrupt: message of IODirectDevice. |
The msgId argument specifies the message ID of the interrupt message that will be sent. This should be IO_DEVICE_INTERRUPT_MSG unless the driver's documentation specifies otherwise. The identify and state arguments should be set to the values that the interrupt handler received in its own arguments. For example (italicized text delineated in angle brackets, that is << >>, is to be filled in with device-specific code): |
static void myInterruptHandler(void *identity, void *state,
unsigned int arg)
<< handle the interrupt >>
IOSendInterrupt(identity, state, IO_DEVICE_INTERRUPT_MSG);
SEE ALSO IODisableInterrupt(), IOEnableInterrupt() |
IOSetDDMMask() |
SUMMARY Set specified bitmask word to specified value
DECLARED IN driverkit/debugging.h SYNOPSIS void IOSetDDMMask(int index, unsigned int bitmask) DESCRIPTION This is typically used by individual user-level drivers at initialization time, if then. Subsequently, it is usually used only by the Driver Debugging Module's server thread to change the current bitmask value. |
The index argument is an index into IODDMMasks, which is an array of unsigned int. Each entry of the array contains 32 mask bits.
IOSetUNIXError() |
SUMMARY Explicitly return an error value from a UNIX-style driver
DECLARED IN driverkit/kernelDriver.h SYNOPSIS void IOSetUNIXError(int errno) DESCRIPTION Most UNIX-style drivers don't need to use this function. However, those that explicitly set the caller's errno can use this function to do so. This function is used when the caller executes as a result of a UNIX-style entry point. |
Note: This function works only in kernel-level drivers.
IOSleep() |
SUMMARY Sleep for indicated number of milliseconds
DECLARED IN driverkit/generalFuncs.h SYNOPSIS void IOSleep(unsigned int milliseconds) DESCRIPTION This function causes the caller to block for the indicated number of milliseconds. |
IOSuspendThread() |
SUMMARY Suspend the execution of a thread started with IOForkThread()
DECLARED IN driverkit/generalFuncs.h SYNOPSIS void IOSuspendThread(IOThread thread) DESCRIPTION This function causes the execution of a running thread to pause. The thread can be resumed with IOResumeThread(). |
IOUnmapPhysicalFromIOTask |
SUMMARY Unmap a physical address range from your IOTask's address space
DECLARED IN driverkit/kernelDriver.h SYNOPSIS IOReturn IOUnmapPhysicalFromIOTask(vm_address_t virtualAddress, |
unsigned length) |
DESCRIPTION This function unmaps a range of memory that was mapped with IOMapPhysicalIntoIOTask(). You should use this to destroy a mapping when you no longer need to use it. |
Note: This function works only in kernel-level drivers. |
RETURN Returns an error if the specified virtual range was not mapped by IOMapPhysicalIntoIOTask(); otherwise, returns IO_R_SUCCESS.
SEE ALSO IOMapPhysicalIntoIOTask() |
IOUnscheduleFunc() |
SUMMARY Cancel a request made with IOScheduleFunc()
DECLARED IN driverkit/generalFuncs.h SYNOPSIS void IOUnscheduleFunc(IOThreadFunc function, void *arg) DESCRIPTION This function removes a request made using IOScheduleFunc() from the current list of pending requests. An error will be logged to the console if the specified function/arg pair is not currently registered. |
IOVmTaskCurrent() |
SUMMARY Returns the vm_task_t of the current task
DECLARED IN driverkit/kernelDriver.h SYNOPSIS vm_task_t IOVmTaskCurrent() DESCRIPTION Returns the vm_task_t for the current task. The only reason to use this function is to perform DMA to user space memory transfers in a UNIX-style driver. |
Note: This function works only in kernel-level drivers. |
SEE ALSO IOVmTaskSelf() |
IOVmTaskForBuf() |
SUMMARY Returns the vm_task_t associated with a buf structure
DECLARED IN driverkit/kernelDriver.h SYNOPSIS vm_task_t IOVmTaskForBuf(struct buf *buffer) DESCRIPTION Block drivers use this function to determine the task for which they're doing I/O. The value returned by this function is used in calls to IOPhysicalFromVirtual(), which returns an address that's used in IODirectDevice's createDMABufferFor:... method. |
Note: This function works only in kernel-level drivers.
IOVmTaskSelf() |
SUMMARY Obtain the vm_task_t of the kernel
DECLARED IN driverkit/kernelDriver.h SYNOPSIS vm_task_t IOVmTaskSelf() DESCRIPTION This function is used to obtain the kernel's vm_task_t, which is the vm_task_t for memory allocated with IOMalloc(). This function is required because the type definition of vm_task_t at kernel level is different from that of vm_task_t at user level. |
Note: This function works only in kernel-level drivers. |