parseFile:(const char *)filename |
Parses the contents of filename if possible, adding the |
ofType:(const char *)aType |
information to the attribute-value list |
parseStream:(NXStream *)stream |
Parses the contents of stream if possible, adding the |
ofType:(const char *)aType |
information to the attribute-value list |
(NXStream *)analyzeFile:(const char *)filename |
Parses the contents of filename if possible, adding the |
ofType:(const char *)aType |
information and returning the analyzed stream |
setCaseFolded:(BOOL)flag |
Sets whether uppercase letters are changed to lowercase |
(BOOL)isCaseFolded |
Returns whether uppercase letters are changed to lowercase |
setPluralsFolded:(BOOL)flag |
Sets whether plural words are reduced to singular |
(BOOL)arePluralsFolded |
Returns whether plural words are reduced to singular |
setStemsReduced:(BOOL)flag |
Sets whether words are reduced to base or root forms |
(BOOL)areStemsReduced |
Returns whether words are reduced to base or root forms |
setPunctuation:(const char *)aString |
Sets the set of characters used to delimit tokens to aString |
(char *)punctuation |
Returns the set of characters used to delimit tokens |
setStopWords:(const char *)stopWords |
Sets the words that are deleted from a stream |
(char *)stopWords |
Returns the words that are deleted from a stream |
(BOOL)setKey:(void *)aKey |
Positions the IXBTreeCursor at aKey if possible, |
andLength:(unsigned int)aLength |
using aHint to speed search; returns YES if aKey |
withHint:(unsigned int)aHint |
is found |
(BOOL)getKey:(void **)aKey |
Returns the position of the cursor in aKey and aLength; |
andLength:(unsigned int *)aLength |
also returning in aHint a hint that can be used to speed |
withHint:(unsigned int *)aHint |
later search; returns NO if the cursor is past the end of the IXBTree's key space |
(BOOL)writeValue:(void *)aValue |
Writes or inserts aValue at the cursor's position |
andLength:(unsigned int)aLength |
writeRange:(void *)aRange |
Writes aRange into the value at the cursor's position; |
atOffset:(unsigned int)anOffset |
if the cursor isn't exactly on a key, raises an exception |
forLength:(unsigned int)aLength |
(unsigned int)readValue:(void **)aValue |
Reads the value at the cursor's position and returns its length; slides forward if needed to get a value |
(unsigned int)readRange:(void **)aRange |
Reads a portion of the value at the cursor's position and |
ofLength:(unsigned int)aLength |
returns its length; if the cursor isn't exactly on a key, |
atOffset:(unsigned int)anOffset |
raises an exception |
removeValue |
Removes the value at the cursor's position; if the cursor isn't exactly on a key, raises an exception |
initInStore:(IXStore *)aStore |
Initializes a new IXFileFinder in aStore to index files |
atPath:(const char *)path |
in path |
initFromBlock:(unsigned int)aHandle |
Reloads an IXFileFinder from block aHandle in aStore |
inStore:(IXStore *)aStore |
to index files in path |
atPath:(const char *)path |
initWithName:(const char *)aName |
Initializes a new IXFileFinder named aName in filename |
inFile:(const char *)filename |
to index files in path |
atPath:(const char *)path |
initFromName:(const char *)aName |
Reloads an IXFileFinder stored under aName in filename, |
inFile:(const char *)filename |
allowing writing back to the file according to flag, |
forWriting:(BOOL)flag |
and set to index files in path |
atPath:(const char *)path |
setFilename:(const char *)aName |
Sets the filename that the IXFileRecord refers to to aName |
(const char *)filename |
Returns the filename that the IXFileRecord refers to |
setFiletype:(const char *)aType |
Sets the recorded type for the associated file to aType |
(const char *)filetype |
Returns the recorded type for the associated file |
setDescription:(const char *)aDescription |
Sets the description for the associated file to aName |
(const char *)description |
Returns the description for the associated file |
setFiledate:(unsigned int)aDate |
Sets the recorded creation date for the associated file to aDate |
(unsigned int)filedate |
Returns the recorded creation date for the associated file |
addHandle:(unsigned int)aHandle |
Adds a new posting to the end of the list |
withWeight:(unsigned int)aWeight |
insertHandle:(unsigned int)aHandle |
Inserts a new posting at index |
withWeight:(unsigned int)aWeight |
at:(unsigned int)index |
replaceHandleAt:(unsigned int)index |
Replaces the posting at index with the information supplied |
with:(unsigned int)aHandle |
weight:(unsigned int)aWeight |
addObject:anObject |
Adds anObject to the end of the list with aWeight, but no |
withWeight:(unsigned int)aWeight |
posting handle |
insertObject:anObject |
Inserts anObject with aWeight at index, but without a |
withWeight:(unsigned int)aWeight |
posting handle |
at:(unsigned int)index |
replaceObjectAt:(unsigned int)index |
Replaces the object at index with the object and weight |
with:anObject |
supplied, but without a posting handle |
weight:(unsigned int)aWeight |
addAttributeNamed:(const char *)aName |
Creates an attribute named aName, based on the values |
forSelector:(SEL)aSelector |
returned by objects sent aSelector |
(BOOL)hasAttributeNamed:(const char *)aName |
Returns whether an attribute named aName exists |
removeAttributeNamed:(const char *)aName |
Removes the attribute named aName |
setComparator:(IXComparator *)aComparator |
Sets the comparator function and context used for values |
andContext:(const void *)aContext |
in the attribute named aName |
forAttributeNamed:(const char *)aName |
getComparator:(IXComparator **)aComparator |
Returns the comparator function and context used for |
andContext:(const void **)aContext |
values in the attribute named aName |
forAttributeNamed:(const char *)aName |
(BOOL)setValue:(const void *)aValue |
Stores aValue under blobName on behalf of the record |
andLength:(unsigned int)aLength |
identified by aHandle; returns YES on success, NO |
ofBlob:(const char *)blobName |
otherwise |
forRecord:(unsigned int)aHandle |
(BOOL)getValue:(void **)aValue |
Retrieves the value and length for blobName on behalf of |
andLength:(unsigned int *)aLength |
the record identified by aHandle; returns YES on |
ofBlob:(const char *)blobName |
success, NO otherwise |
forRecord:(unsigned int)aHandle |
createBlock:(unsigned int *)aHandle |
Creates a block of size size and returns its identifier in |
ofSize:(unsigned int)size |
aHandle |
(unsigned int)copyBlock:(unsigned int)aHandle |
Copies a portion of the block identified by aHandle and |
atOffset:(unsigned int)anOffset |
returns the copies identifier |
forLength:(unsigned int)aLength |
freeBlock:(unsigned int)aHandle |
Frees the block identified by aHandle |
(void *)openBlock:(unsigned int)aHandle |
Opens a portion of the block identified by aHandle for |
atOffset:(unsigned int)anOffset |
writing if possible, otherwise raises an exception |
forLength:(unsigned int)aLength |
(void *)readBlock:(unsigned int)aHandle |
Opens a portion of the block identified by aHandle for |
atOffset:(unsigned int)anOffset |
reading if possible, otherwise raises an exception |
forLength:(unsigned int)aLength |
closeBlock:(unsigned int)aHandle |
Closes the open block identified by aHandle |
(unsigned int)startTransaction |
Starts a new transaction and returns the nested level of transactions pending |
abortTransaction |
Aborts the current transaction |
commitTransaction |
Commits the changes made in the current transaction |
(BOOL)areTransactionsEnabled |
Returns YES if a transaction has ever been started |
(unsigned int)nestingLevel |
Returns the nesting level of transactions pending |
(unsigned int)changeCount |
Returns the number of commitTransaction and abortTransaction messages received by the instantiation |
addEntryNamed:(const char *)aName |
Creates an instance of the store client class named aName, |
ofClass:aName |
and stores it under aName |
addEntryNamed:(const char *)aName |
Creates an instance of the store client class named aName, |
ofClass:aName |
and stores it under aName in the block of the |
atBlock:(IXBlockHandle)aHandle |
IXStoreDirectory's IXStore identified by aHandle |
addEntryNamed:(const char *)aName |
Stores the store client anObject under aName |
forObject:anObject |
(BOOL)hasEntryNamed:(const char *)aName |
Returns whether there's an object stored under aName |
getBlock:(unsigned int *)aHandle |
Gets the block identifier for the object stored under aName |
ofEntryNamed:(const char *)aName |
getClass:(id *)aClass |
Gets the class object for the object stored under aName |
ofEntryNamed:(const char *)aName |
openEntryNamed:(const char *)aName |
Activates and returns the object stored under aName |
(const char **)entries |
Returns the stored names |
(unsigned int)countForToken:(void *)aToken |
Returns the number of occurrences of aToken in the domain |
ofLength:(unsigned int)aLength |
(unsigned int)rankForToken:(void *)aToken |
Returns the ordinal rank of occurrences of aToken in the |
ofLength:(unsigned int)aLength |
domain |
(float)frequencyOfToken:(void *)aToken |
Returns the frequency of aToken in the domain |
ofLength:(unsigned int)aLength |
(float)peculiarityOfToken:(void *)aToken |
Returns the peculiarity of aToken in the domain |
ofLength:(unsigned int)aLength |
andFrequency:(float)aFrequency |