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NetInfo Kit



Inherits From: Object

Allocating and Initializing an NIDomain Object

+ alloc Allocates an NIDomain object
+ allocFromZone:(NXZone *)zone Allocates an NIDomain object from the specified zone
init Initializes a new NIDomain object

Freeing an NIDomain Object

free Deallocates an NIDomain object

Making or Freeing a Connection to a Domain

(ni_status)setConnection:(const char *)domain Makes a connection to a domain
(ni_status)setConnection:(const char *)domain Makes a connection to a domain, as specified
(ni_status)setTaggedConnection:(const char *)tag
to:(char *)hostName Makes a connection to a domain, using host name and tag
(ni_status)setTaggedConnection:(const char *)tag
to:(char *)hostName Makes a connection to a domain, as specified
disconnectFromCurrent Terminates a connection to a domain

Getting Data about or from the Current Domain

(const char *)getFullPath Gets the path name of the current domain
(const char *)getMasterServer Gets the host name of the current domain's master server
(const char *)getCurrentServer Gets the host name of the current domain's current server
(const char *)getTag Gets the tag of the current domain
(const struct sockaddr_in *)getServerIPAddress Gets the socket address of the current domain's current server
(void *)getDomainHandle Gets the NetInfoTMhandle of the current domain
(ni_entrylist *)findDirectory:(const char *)parentDirectory
withProperty:(const char *)property Gets the values associated with a property

Checking the Error Status

(ni_status)lastError Returns the status code from the most recent NetInfo call

Assigning a Delegate

setDelegate:anObject Sets the delegate of the NIDomain object


Inherits From: Object

Allocating and Initializing an NIDomainPanel Object

+ new Returns an NIDomainPanel object
+ allocWithoutPanelFromZone:(NXZone *)zone Allocates an NIDomainPanel object that has no panel
init Initializes a new NIDomainPanel object

Displaying the Panel

(int)runModal Brings up the panel
resizePanelBeforeShowing:(const char *)panelDefaultName
Resizes the panel
panel Returns the id of the panel
windowDidResize:sender Detects that the window has changed size

Getting Data

(int)exitFlags Returns the exit flags from the panel
(const char *)domain Returns the name of the selected domain
(const char *)panelSizeDefaultName Returns a string indicating the panel's default size

Filling the Browser

loadDomainBrowser Loads current domain information into the browser
loadDomainBrowserFrom:(const char *)whereFrom
Loads information from the domain into the browser
(int)browser:sender Fills the indicated column with data
browser:sender Fills the indicated cell with data
freeLastColumn Clears the data in the rightmost column of the browser
fillNextColumn Fills the next column of the browser

Text-Related Methods

completeDomain Completes the text in the text field
runOk:sender Calls the OK button's action method
text:textObject Detects empty text field
textWillChange:textObject Detects that text is about to change
(BOOL)textWillEnd:textObject Detects that the user has finished editing the text field

Target and Action Methods

cellWasHitInBrowser:(id)sender Method invoked by the browser
cancel:sender Method invoked by the Cancel button
ok:sender Method invoked by the OK button


Inherits From: Panel : Window : Responder : Object

Creating a Panel

+ new Returns an NILoginPanel object

Running the Panel

(BOOL)runModal:sender Brings up the panel
inDomain:(void *)domainID
(BOOL)runModal:sender Brings up the panel, as specified
inDomain:(void *)domainID
withUser:(const char *)userName
withInstruction:(const char *)whatWarning
(BOOL)runModalWithValidation:sender Brings up the panel and specifies validation by the delegate
inDomain:(void *)domainID
withUser:(const char *)userName
withInstruction:(const char *)whatWarning

Target and Action Methods

ok:sender Method invoked by the OK button
cancel:sender Method invoked by the Cancel button

Getting Data

(BOOL)isValidLogin:sender Returns whether the login was successful
(const char *)getPassword:sender Returns the text in the password field
(const char *)getUser:sender Returns the text in the account name field


Inherits From: NIDomainPanel : Object

Initializing and Running a Panel

+ new Returns an NIOpenPanel object
(int)runModal Brings up the panel

Getting Data from the Panel

(const char *)directory Returns the directory that's selected in the lower browser
(const char *)panelSizeDefaultName Returns a string indicating the panel's default size

Manipulating the Panel

setDirectoryPath:(const char *)path Sets the initial directory path in the lower browser
setListTitle: (const char *)title Sets the title of the lower half of the panel
setPanelTitle: (const char *)title Sets the title of the panel
refreshLowerData:sender Rereads and redraws the lower browser


searchItemList:textThing Keeps lower browser and text field in sync
searchTextField Keeps lower browser and text field in sync

Filling the Browser

(int)browser:sender Fills the indicated column with data
browser:sender Fills the indicated cell with data

Text-Related Methods

text:textObj Detects empty text field
(BOOL)textWillChange: textObject Detects that text is about to change
completeItemName Reserved for future use
completeDomain Completes the text in the upper text field

Target and Action Methods

cellWasHitInBrowser:(id)sender Method invoked by the upper browser
cellWasHitInItemList:sender Method invoked by the lower browser


Inherits From: NIOpenPanel : NIDomainPanel : Object

Creating a New NISavePanel Object

+ new Returns an NISavePanel object

Displaying the Panel

(int)runModal Brings up the panel
(int)runModalWithString:(char *)initialValue Brings up the panel, with the string in the lower text field
(int)runModalWithUneditableString:(char *)initialValue
Brings up the panel, with an uneditable string in the lower
text field

Getting Data from the Panel

(const char *)panelSizeDefaultName Returns a string indicating the panel's default size
(const char *)directory Returns the directory that's selected in the lower browser

Target and Action Methods

cellWasHitInItemList:sender Method invoked by the lower browser

Manipulating the Panel

setStartingDomainPath:(const char *)directory Sets the initial path in the upper browser
refreshLowerData:sender Rereads and redraws the lower browser